Chapter 16: The Cold Harsh Truth

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Me, Twilight, Pinkie and Sunset were still at Fluttershy's house trying to figure out who was the mysterious person. Then Pinkie left saying that she had some "super fun emergency". That left me and Twilight. They kept looking at me nervously like something was going on. I tried to ignore it but I just couldn't.

RD: Okey girls what happened.
TS: What do you mean
RD:  You two are stressing like your keeping something from me.
Surprisingly they just sighed.
SS: Listen Rainbow. After your fight with Applejack, I met up with her and umm I saw what made her do what she did.
RD: wait so you abused your powers?
SS: I mean no. I used them for the greater good.
RD: Nice to know Spiderman.
TS: Do you want to know or not?
RD: Shoot.
SS: Well there is this one blackmailer who threatened to tell everyone that Applejack is gay. In exchange, she would have to keep away from you. That's the short version.

I just stared at her. What the hey? Is this a joke?

RD: Your kidding.
TS: Nope.
RD: Why didn't you tell me sooner?
TS: Because of plot convenience?
RD: What?
SS: Because we were worried about how you would react.
RD: That makes no sense.
TS: Yeah okay your right. It's all totally Sunsets fault.
SS: What the fuck? No, it was your idea. You wanted your "Appledash ship" to prevail.
TS: Yeah but you were the one that used your powers.
RD: Hold on. Appledash ship?
SS: You and Applejack. Apparently Twilight ships you two.
TS: Shut up.

I just sighed. They acted like little children sometimes. But was it true? Did Applejack really get blackmailed? And why did the blackmailer say to stay away from me? Am I the cause of it? Then Sunset placed a hand on my shoulder.
SS: It's gonna all be alright.


Darn Futtershy lives far from me. It took me this long to get here. I barged through the door, only to find Sunset and Twilight starting at me.
AJ: What happened? Is Fluttershy alright? Where are the others?
SS: Well Rarity and Fluttershy are shopping. Pinkie has some "emergency" and Rainbow has a date...
SS: Rainbow Dash is going out with Spitfire.

What? She is going out with that bitch? No way. First the blackmailer and now this? Why does fate want Me and Rainbow apart? Then I thought closer. Was this connected? Then a darker thought came into mind. But that couldn't be true. Then I remembered what Spitfire did last summer. She was more than capable to do this.
SS: Hello? Earth to Applejack.
AJ: Yeah sorry I was thinking about something.
SS: Good for Rainbow Dash right?
AJ: Yeah... I'm assuming that if you read Rainbow Dashe's memories you read mine?

They stared at me in shock.
SS: How do you know that?
AJ: Well this is Rainbow Dash we are talking about. She will never reveal her feelings for somebody or even say that she is involved in a relationship. Plus why would Rainbow Dash only tell you Sunset and not Twilight?
SS: Wow Applejack. You should play Among Us.
AJ: Sunset this is serious. Stop making your stupid gaming references.
SS: Okey so what do you wanna do next about this whole problem?
AJ: I already have a suspect.
TS; Who?
I ignored Twilight when I heard my phone vibrate. I got it out to see a message from the Anonymous User. I really wasn't in the mood but the message caught my eye.

                           Anonymous User.

AU:  Poor Poor Rainbow Dash.  I told you to stay away from her and you just couldn't help yourself. My date will be surely terrific. You might not see Rainbow for quite a while.

Shit. I knew it. It must be. I have to save her from that witch.

AJ: Sunset quick where is Rainbows date?
SS: A old abandoned building near her house but why are you ask-
AJ: Got to go!

Then I ran outside. Faster than I could ever run.

I was quite nervous. I've never actually been on a date before. Shocking right for someone as cool as me? Then this wasn't really a date. It was just a couple, meeting up drinking beer. Thanks to my Amulet I was already at the building. It wasn't really a romantic spot but it has good memories. I saw Spitfire glaring  at me from the entrance
SF: Your late loser.
RD: I'm just in time for you.
Then she smiled which is something that you don't see often when it comes to Spitfire. Then she threw me a beer bottle.
SF: Come inside, loser.

Then, in the simplest version possible, we got drunk. We chatted about our exploits our adventures together or not. I kept telling her about my adventures with the rest of the girls and how we saved the world a couple of times but surprisingly she didn't believe me. Geez, I wonder why. I have never seen this side of Spitfire before. She reminded me of A- No I can't think about that now. Especially not when I'm talking to my girlfriend. Then Spitfire said something quite unexpected.
SF: Dumbass I love you.
Suddenly she covered her mouth in shock as she didn't mean to say that. But I was glad she did.
RD: It's alright I love you too.
I was so happy but all I could think about is Applejack. All I wanted more to know is just to see her again. And I definitely gr my wish. Moments later Applejack came out of nowhere and shouted.
AJ: Get away from that bitch Rainbow!

Last Summer.

The summer was supposed to be exciting for the girls. The sun was up. All clubs were open again. All of them had so much to do. But then one person ruined it all. It all started when the gals met up near the statue. All of them were there. Then out of nowhere a girl with orange hair came up to them.
??: Heya Dash
RD: What's up Spitfire. Everyone this is Spitfire my friend from Cloudsdale.
Everyone was happy to meet her. Except for Applejack. She was clearly annoyed by the newcomer and how Dash was treating her. Every day after that Spitfire came and hang out with us. It was fine after all as any friend of Dash is welcome after all.  But around the same time, strange things kept happening. People broke their noses or arms and all claimed it was an accident. Day after day, Rainbow kept meeting up with Spitfire and the rest and the next day AJ saw more people bleeding or hurt. At that, she knew something fishy was going on. So one day, she asked one of the kids what was going on. The kid replied it was an accident. But Aj wasn't gonna give up. She kept asking and asking until...
K: Okay fine someone beat me up.
AJ: What's their name.
K: They said their name was Spitfire.
She immediately told my friends what happens. Rainbow looked so shocked that it was painful to watch. And when Spitfire came, she went beast mode. She kept shouting and shouting at the show she beat a 13-year-old boy and probably tons of others. Who does that? Spitfire kept denying it and denying it. Sunset even checked her memories to be sure of it. But nothing. But AJ and Pinkie both agreed that it was still probably her. There are plenty of ways to make someone hide their memories (according to Twilight the professional egghead) but Rainbow Dash decided it must be a mistake. That at least is the short version. But if it wasn't Spitfire who could it have been? For the matter, it was a close friend of Rainbow. He kept spying on her and spying on her. He understood what was going on and how Rainbow was clearly in love with Applejack. So he needed the fight to break out between them. He decided that Spitfire would be easy to frame but Rainbow Dash would never believe it. But their bond was closer. Spitfire left an hour after that back to Cloudsdale. Everyone apart from AJ said sorry for the misconception. AJ still believed it was true. But she was wrong. He did it. And now he will do it again. And no one apart from one knew it.

Sorry if the last part is crap but I had a hard time summarising what I wanted in one paragraph. But I did get the new most-words -ever -written-on -my -phone record.

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