Chapter 19: To Set Things Right pt2

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Applejack POV
All these hours of searching and I found nothing and no one. Where was Rainbow? I texted her a couple of times and she s is my answer. And then she did.

                         Rainbow Dash❤️
RD: AJ, come to the football shop on the second floor of the mall. I think I found a clue!
AJ: Great, I'll be right there!

Finally a lead. This was perfect. I quickly located the store. It was in a remote part of the mall, completely locked down. The doors were shut and the window blinds were closed
AJ: Rainbow you there?
No one replied. But still, I decided to investigate further and so I went inside. Only to suddenly feel a huge piece of metal hit my head.

Rainbows POV

S: Too bad, she ain't dead.
He threw the lump of metal away.
But no. She was gonna die. And it's all my fault.  I looked at the lifeless figure at the door. The Phsyco dragged poor AJ away from the entrance and shut it. Her gorges hair, her beautiful emerald-green eyes. How she was always honest to me. How she had done so much for me. And now she was gonna die and I was gonna live.

Anger boiled up inside me. No, she was not gonna die. Neither was Fluttershy. If I must I will die protecting them both. My plan must work. AJs life depended on it.

RD: No. You will not hurt her.
S: Of course I won't. You will
Wait for what? No. He doesn't mean that.
RD: What?!
S: Here, your gonna hurt her.
He passed me his knife and before I had a chance to stab him, he pulled out a gun? How the actual fuck did he get a gun? Then I remembered. He is from Cloudsdale. Guns are sold like ice cream there.

S: Stab her.
RD: What?! No, you Phsyco enough is enough.
S: Well there is option B
He pointed his gun at Fluttershy

I prayed silently hoping my plan would work. And then it did.
RD: Behind you ya bastard
It easiest trick in the world. Except for this time, it wasn't a trick. A barrage of footballs came straight at him
S: The actual fu-
Before he could even finish it hit his head

??: Take that you piece of shit!
I smiled. There they were. Sunset and Twilight. It was true. I remembered finding a tracker device on my shoes a couple of days ago. I didn't know what it was, but earlier I realised. It must have been placed by Twilight herself to spy on me. Typical of her. On other days I would have beaten them up for it. But the tracker saved AJs life. But that wasn't sure yet. Faster than I anticipated, he got up and pointed his gun. But not at me or Fluttershy or at Applejack. It was at Twilight
S: Feel the pain
He grinned.

I woke up to see... a figure standing up next to me. And he was pointing... a gun? What the fuck was going on? And then I heard it. An ear-shattering noise. No. What just happened? Did he just... shoot Twilight? I saw everyone around me. Rainbow Dash attacking the figure, Sunset crying over Twilight and Fluttershy sitting unconscious on the table. I wanted to help them but I couldn't even move a muscle. Tears fall down my cheek as I watch Dashie fight the shooter. She somehow managed to knock his gun out of his hand which landed near me. He took out a knife and Rainbow shuddered. They muttered something I didn't hear. Apart from one thing. "I love you Applejack I always did"
Now I was weeping. I didn't know what was going on. Sunset was still crying over Twilight body, unsure if she was alive. Rainbow was at the person's mercy and I wasn't gonna let that happen. I don't know where I found the strength but I did. I rose from the floor shaking, my concussion still weakening me.
AJ: Step away from her
He turned around and I took my chance. I punched him in the face. I completely ignored him as his body fell to the ground as I kissed Rainbow.
AJ: I love yah too.
She blushed.
But that wasn't the time for that. Twilight was hurt. I hurried over to her side, completely forgetting my pain. Sunset was still screaming which was reasonable. I felt like screaming too but after I checked her pulse I realised she was okay. She got shot in the knee, which wasn't lethal but understandably it made her pass out.
AJ: It's gonna be alright.
SS: I just watched my best friend almost die right in front of me, no this is NOT ALL RIGHT. Then a knock on the door was heard
??: MI6, OPEN UP (or whatever they say in the UK. Fortunately we don't have these situations in the UK a lot so)

And the book is almost finished. finally. Just one more chapter. unless I make a sequel... Anyways hope you liked the chapter. I spend a lot of time on it even though it's kind of short.

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