Broken Promises

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"Due to recent events, S.H.I.E.L.D. is on high alert. This is a serious threat we're facing, which is why I've assembled you all here today. It is absolutely critical that we safely dispose of the Darkhold. Phil," Mace said, pacing the length of 'his' office.

"Once the Zephyr's ready, Agents May and Mackenzie will accompany me. We'll transfer the Darkhold to an agent that specializes in making items like this disappear," Coulson said.

"How's he going to do that--some sort of magic spell?" Radcliffe questioned. "Right, yeah, probably had your fill of dark-arts jokes, what with the flame-headed demon and all that," he said, looking around at our unamused faces.

"While we're handling the book, your mission is to accompany Dr. Radcliffe and erase Aida's hard drive," Coulson ordered.

"What?" Radcliffe asked.

"I'm not--I'm not sure..." Fitz stuttered.

"Aida read the Darkhold," Mace said.

"We can't risk having any of its contents in her memory. It's too dangerous," Coulson elaborated.

"Makes sense, though it does seem a bit unfair for Aida, considering how many lives she just saved," Fitz mumbled.

"Okay. First of all, that thing is not a 'she'--it's a damn robot. And second of all, what's the matter with you two chuckleheads? Have either one of you seen a movie in the last thirty years? The robots always attack," Mack objected.

"Well, technically speaking, Aida's not a robot--she's an android," Radcliffe countered.

"That's true," Fitz added.

"Android, robot--it doesn't matter what you call 'em. The end result's always the same--they rise up against their human overlords and go kill-crazy," Mack argued.

"You make a fair, if somewhat intense, point. Yeah. Yeah, I don't see any harm in replacing her hard drive. Better safe than sorry, as they say," Radcliffe said.

"So happy you agree, 'cause it's also an order. Agent Ana--anato--an--a--" Mace seemed to break.

"Anatolievna," I supplied.

"Right. She will be accompanying the two of you in case Aida attempts to resist. Now get to work,"


"I wasn't expecting you," Aida was staring out a window when we walked in, not turning to face us.

"Uh, change of plan, my dear Aida. Change of plan," Fitz was staring at the floor as Radcliffe unzipped a little case.

"Is everything okay, Leopold?" it asked Fitz. "You look sad."

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, everything's fine. Just, um...bit overwhelmed with work is all," he lied.

"I'm sorry to hear that," it said, and Radcliffe powered it down.

"Bit too observant. Might have to take a look at that in the next software patch," he said.

"It was almost as if she knew I felt guilty," Fitz speculated.

"Ah, don't be silly, Fitz. Aida can't differentiate--" it raised its head, evidently not powered down.

"I know what you're doing, doctor. You came here to end my life," Aida claimed.

"Well, that's not true, Aida. We simply wanted to make a few upgrades, that's all," he tried to power it down, but it wasn't working.

"I made a few upgrades of my own," it grabbed the remote and smacked it across his face. I formed two orbs, spinning them around in my hand until they were at max velocity, flinging them at Aida. They went right through its shoulder, but it didn't faze it.

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