Part Six

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warning for torture and character death


Fax stood at Sorin's front door, and promised himself his cousin would help. Sorin was the family member who would ask few questions. He didn't expect the stranger who opened the door. Whoever he was, he was tall, dressed in all black, and a slight frown tugged at his lips. He braced a ringed hand on the doorway, but Fax spoke before this stranger could.

"Is Sorin here?" Fax held himself in place through will alone. He wanted desperately to push past and find his cousin right now.

The stranger's mouth tipped down further. Still, he twisted slightly to call over his shoulder, "Sorin. He came." And then he stepped back, waving a hand for Fax to come inside.

Sorin met them before Fax got more than a few steps inside. Fax relaxed visibly at the familiar fire in his cousin's eyes. He'd always had such drive. If anyone could get things done and help him, it was Sorin. "I need your help."

Sorin blinked, his expression faltering. "You're... you're not here because you got my note?"

Fax stared at him blankly. "You sent me a note?" When Sorin stared blankly he shook his head. "I didn't get it, I'm sorry." Guilt tore through him. He had been a shit cousin, and dropped everything to mope, and then to spend time with Lev, and then repeated the damn cycle. Still, he had to try. "I need your help, Sor. Will you?"

His cousin stared at him a moment longer than comfortable, then shook his head. "Yeah, no, of course. What is it?"

"I... Lev and I worked things out, but he's gone, Sor." Fax rubbed his hand through his hair. "Someone took him. The kitchen smelled like hell, and there was banana bread burning in the oven. He didn't go because he wanted to."

Sorin wrinkled his nose. "Banana bread?"

"He thinks I like it, and I haven't been able to tell him how much I hate bananas yet." Fax shot Sorin a helpless look. "That's not the point."

"Are you sure he didn't leave willingly?" Sorin asked, brows furrowing.

Fax shook his head. "No. No. He hates leaving the house without me. I told you what he's like. He wouldn't leave, not like that." He rubbed the back of his neck, and then reached up shakily to push his hair from his face again. "Sor, I'm worried, and I- I don't want- I can't let anything happen to him. He's been through enough. They took his wings, for loving me. Hell doesn't need to punish him too."

Sorin grabbed Fax's hands, squeezing them so tight it was almost painful. "Hey. We'll find him. I promise you that. Cyrus," he nodded at the man who'd opened the door and was now hovering nearby with that frown still on his face, "is a witch. He can try tracking your angel. If you don't mind, Cy?"

Fax swung his attention to the witch. He couldn't force anything out, and so he just stood there, hands still clasped in Sorin's scorching grip as he waited. The witch shrugged, frown deepening. He disappeared into another room, and came back with a notebook, flipping through the pages. The light glinting off his rings was distracting, and Fax welcomed it to the aching weight of anxiety in his chest.

"Thanks, Cy." Sorin all but crushed Fax's hands to get his attention. "Cyrus is the best witch I know. He'll find your little angel in no time."

Cyrus snorted softly behind them. "Flattery is pointless, Sorin, when you already get what you want from me."

Sorin muttered something under his breath, and let go of Fax. "If-"

"Shut up , Rin, or I'll never get this done." Cyrus didn't even sound annoyed, but Sorin shut up. Fax decided not to ask.

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