Chapter 1 Season 1: The Mentor and the Student

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Pov: Izuku

I sit at the table, in front of me is a cake with a 10 on it. On my right flank is my mother Inko Midoriya, on the opposing side sits kacchan, one whom I used to call my best friend-turned-tormentor, he's gotten over his physical tormenting phase by now after Mitsuki-Obasan caught him beating me a couple times. He doesn't take it out on me anymore, especially since my Oyaji had died while on a business trip in America, I can barely sense what I can only describe as Kacchan's way of pitying me: He isn't giving me death glares and has avoided most conversations while replying with short answers. Speaking of Mitsuki-Obasan, she's sitting on Kacchan's left, on the same side as my mother whereas Mazaru-Ojisan is on his right. Oh! I also forgot to mention my Sensei/Ojisan who is sitting to my left.

(Flashback brought to you by chibi Izuku punching a tree)

Getting lost in my thoughts, I reminisce the first time I met the man who I officially call my Sensei, though he's become more like my Ojisan. Me, Kacchan, and his followers were at the playground, at this time we were around 5-6 years old. I had just woken up from Kacchan's beatdown and was looking for my sand pail. Scanning my surroundings, I saw it a bit off in the distance being blown by the wind. Giving chase to said pail I followed it past a couple of buildings when I heard a loud thump and a deep injured groaning noise coming from the alleyway, backtracking a bit, I noticed a figure dressed in long black, white, and red clothes. He had on him several blades of several sizes, ranging from daggers to katanas, though surprisingly, considering the kind of society we live in, his blades seemed near untouched if he were to use them on a regular basis. Checking for any others who might be after the unnamed individual and coming up with nothing, I deduced that he isn't a threat in his current state and that the injuries he has might be life threatening. Now approaching the mysterious figure I noticed he sustained several major burns, a couple of slashes, and a couple of puncture wounds by broken glass and a piece of rebar.

???: "Hey kid, you shouldn't be here..." he weakly called out.

"But you look badly hurt sir! I need to take you to a hospital!" I say.

???: "Huh, just my luck eh? Don't bother calling an Ambulance young.... What's your name kiddo?" he questioned.

"U-umm my n-name is I-Izuku M-Midoriya sir!" I sputter out.

???: "...Midoriya, very well. It's best if you leave now, I don't want you to get caught up in my mission." he stated.

"M-Mission? Are you a hero?!? If so, I should be helping you in any way I can!" I proudly state.

???: "I like your spunk kiddo, but I'm no hero, at least not officially, are you familiar with what a vigilante is?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah! Though some of them are bad, many if not the majority have honorable reasons for doing so!" I say enthusiastically.

???: "Well I'm one of them, tonight was supposed to be my debut but I got caught up trying to stop an robbery and that fake "hero" Endeavor just had to turn a simple beat-up & tie-up into a goose chase, I lost him but as you can see, I didn't escape unharmed." sighed the man.

"Well regardless of what happened, legal hero or not, I still have to help you... um what should I call you by?" I hesitantly say.

???: "Stain, you can call me Stain kiddo, though since you already told me your full name and I don't see you leaving me to bleed out, I also go by Chizome Akaguro." Weakly states.

"Please let me treat you Stain-san! I can already see that you might pass out!" I firmly state.

Stain: "Well kiddo, I guess I have no choice do I? I have a spare med kit in my toolbelt, you can use that, give me a second while I... *pop* ah... much better..."

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