Chapter 2 Season 1: Forced Independence

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Pov: Izuku

Sensei, Mom, and I were walking down the mall after the celebration. During our training/clean-up at Dagobah Beach, we gained the attention of the local prefecture and for our good deeds were rewarded building rights both on the beach itself and on the Seawall. The three of us agreed that since the money from the lawsuit wasn't going to last forever, we invested in building a small seaside café complete with additional living spaces on the upper floor for booking incase the café didn't go so well or if Sensei wanted to stay over as he never told us where he bunks.

I had gone to the doctor again, though mostly because of a hunch I had. Sure enough I was right! Despite being declared quirkless, I had been found to have a photographic memory! I dropped out of school when I was 8 because I was learning at a faster pace than they could supply me with. Only a few months ago I had taken the highschool tests and received my highschool diploma.

After a while training with Sensei, I had learned all the techniques from him, again thanks to my memory, and mainly focused on building up my confidence & strength. With many of my nights spent sleeping and tending to the café as to take advantage of the proximity to the now clean Dagobah Beach, serving as the perfect training ground.

As it was nearing sundown, the three of us went our separate ways, Mom crying her eyes out yet again saying "oh look how much you've grown my Izuku!", While it might seem annoying to some, her antics would never bore me, Mom, me, and Sensei split off with Mom going to the apartment, Sensei going off to start his vigilante shift, and I going back to the café to prepare for some more training and tending to the café. I crawl into my favorite room in the building: A master bedroom sized area that was initially for storage that I had converted into my personal bedroom at the café, after tearing down one of the walls and replacing it with windows, I had a great view of Dagobah Beach and the Pacific Ocean as I nod off to sleep.

Close to midnight I awoke with a jolt, a universal radio transceiver that Sensei had us have in each building, was buzzing loudly, being connected to a klaxon. Maybe it was paranoia or foresight on Sensei's behalf, but with the number of times him and I went out on patrols, even if I wasn't doing the fighting, we would have most certainly gained enemies. I give the transceiver another listen to the transmission and my heart sinks.

An SOS signal coming from the old apartment! Mom! Something bad must have happened! SHE'S IN TROUBLE! My mind races through all the various things that could have happened to her as I stumble out the door and onto my moped. I feel a buzzing in my pocket next, it's our personal transceivers that we use when one of us is out and about. My heart sinks even deeper as I check the sender's code, it's Sensei, from the looks of it he was trying to get to Mom but ran into some deep trouble.

I gun the throttle as I speed to the apartment complexes as I see pillars of smoke and fire in the distance. When I arrive, I immediately help the surrounding citizens who were trapped under rubble. As I help each citizen I ask where my mom is, most point toward where another fire is beginning to catch. I eventually made my way there.

What has unfolded in front of me was horrifying to say the least, from what I deducted, two men that Mom was trying to hold back were angry at the complex owner for kicking them out of their only home when it was discovered they were doing illegal transactions. In an attempt at revenge and to ruin the owner's reputation, they had superglued the fire doors as well as all the main entrances, broke the gas main to several of the complexes in what I could only assume was to frame the owner of "negligence". Quickly running over to my Mom, it looked as if she was trying to prevent them from blowing up another complex by pulling them toward herself. The two men, seeing me on the scene gave each other a chilling glance as they took off their jackets and revealed heavily packed bomber suits! These men weren't expecting to come out alive after this!

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