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Malasia's POV
On my way to lunch I stopped by Arriells locker. Arrielle is another one of my cousins besides India and Diamond which I haven't told you about yet.
Arrielle was at her locker putting her books away . " Heyyyyy Malasia pooh." She said all jolly giving me a big hug and kiss on my the cheek 😊.
"Heyyyy I got to tell you something 👀." I said
"Oh god tell me." She said as her eyes got wide.
I gave her the run down about India and Bria. Arrielle face looked pissed after I told her what happened.
"So I should confront her right." I said
" Heck yeah, you better she not gonna be doing that to my India , hell wrong with her." She said
Arrielles POV

I'm Arrielle , for short they call me Ari. I'm 5'4" , brown skin but a lil darker than Malasia, I have long legs, skinny, I have a nice size chest and butt ....but nobody can tell because I hide it with the clothing I wear , my hair is cut short because I always get it cut so it's a little above my shoulders.
I'm a nice person but when someone gets on my bad side they will get confronted, I ain't scared of nobody . Im very professional and I'm always busy that's why I try to spend time with everyone when I'm not busy. Especially with my cousins.

When Malasia told me what Bria did to India I got very upset. All I know is Malasia gonna hurt Bria feelings 💯.
Malasia's POV
So I sit in lunch and everyone is there Lilly who is me ,India, an Arrielles best friend, Sean who is Arrielles boyfriend, Jeremiah who is diamonds boyfriend, Aarron who is lilly ex boo 👀 I knew they liked eachother at one point , Nasir who just hella aggy 😭😴, and Josè my ex boyfriend 😴.
I sit down calmly greeting everyone until I see Bria .
"Hey Bria , let me talk to you for a minute."
Bria is tall , about 5'4" 5'5", skinny , light skin, long curly hair, with Chinese eyes.
Lilly's POV
I see Malasia calling Bria over I wanna switch seats with India but as soon as I get up that dumb bitch Bria sits in my seat 😴.
"THIS BITCH." I say out loud
Malasia and India look at me so does Bria .
" You talking to me 👀." Says Bria flipping her hair .
" duh who else ." I say not giving a fuck.
Im about 5'3" ,light skin, nice size butt , small chested , with good curly hair, and Chinese eyes.
I'm very nice I mean I'm always busy tho I travel back and fourth to dance and sometimes New York . But I'm not the one to play with I mean I'm a people's person but sometimes people are annoying as fuck 😴.

I wish Bria would hurry up and leave this table already .😴
Malasia's POV
Wow lilly must have really been annoyed because she usually don't do that .
"So um Bria , India told me about the whole boy situation and you know you did wrong 💯 you ruined your friendship all over a boy ." I said.
" Umm yeah that was so old tho why wasn't this brought to my attention when It happend." She said flipping her hair again.
😐 did she just really say that .
"😑 so what know you fucked up about what the fuck you did . Correct? So don't act all nonchalant like everything is ok ." I say starting to get a attitude.
" I'm not I just said it was old inform....." I cut off her sentence.
" so just apologize" I approached.
I sat there waiting about 3 minutes and I finally said "umm time is ticking 😴."

"Oh I'm sorry , India" she said

Her and India hugged it out and I waved bye to her .

As Bria went back to her seat she started talking about what lilly said .
Lilly shouted " awwww are you feeling some type of way ." Bria just looked away and flipped her hair.

Authors POV

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