Quality time with my girls

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Malasia POV
Woke up this morning and had about 29 text messages from India she wanted me to wake up.

Me: yes India 😘

India:can you come over you and Ari pleaseeeeeeee 😁😘

Me:yes I'll be over in two hours

I went in the kitchen and did my chores dishes and all. Then I cleaned the bathroom then my bedroom. After that I started to pack my bags cause I know I'll end up staying .

I got ready to take my shower peach body wash and Victoria secret spray is all I smelt 😊😍. I got out and did my make up I decided to go natural because I knew we would go to the mall or something , then I put my hair in a bun because India will do it anyway . I wore a black and white sweater blue jeans , and my blue uggs.
I called India and told her to open the door , took her 3 minutes 😐✌️.
She gave me a big hug all happy and jolly 😭. Then ari gave me a hug screaming my name jumping on me oh I felt so loved 😭.
"So India what's the 4-1-1 ." I said smiling at her 😊
". Ok so you know how I been talking to that boy 🙊 and he wants to meet at the mall today ." She said blushing
"Awwww ."me and Arriell said 😍
"So what Ya waiting for lets gooooo." Arriell said dancing 😭 (it's Something wrong with her 😭😭😭😭)
Later that day we went back to India house . she had her first kiss today 😍 my baby growing so fast 😭😂😘.

"So how was it 😂👀." Arriell says
All India did was smile so you know it was THE BOMBBBB 💦😍😂
I couldn't stop laughing it was just so funny 😭.

We were home alone that night , bored and nothing to do . so we all got on ft . I made a post in instagram saying who wanted to ft ?? Then the cutest boy commented saying he wanted to ft me . I look on his page they call him Rico according to his pics he was Lightskin ,with brown curly hair , had a nice 8 pack 😍💦, and big lips and hazel colored eyes .God he was my type 😍💦😩
I gave him my number didn't think he was gonna call me but he did 😦.
"who you on the phone with ?" India and arriell said looking at me in a creepy way 😈.
"Um his name is Rico😳." I said blushing then I put the phone one mute. "MY NIGGA HE IS TOO FINE 😍💦." I said screaming
" Oooooo let me see 😭😂." They said
I show them a picture ."girllllll you better get it ." 🌚
I busted out laughing 😭😂 then I un mute him .
Then we began to get to know eachother . I wonder if he has a girlfriend 👀, probably so he don't want my ugly ass , Sike bitch I'm cute 😍ASF I just don't know what he'll think of me 💭.....
Me and Rico stayed up on the phone all night i called him at 9 pm and we didn't hang up until 7 am 💕. It just feel like a good vibe I can't say I like him because I barely know him so maybe we can go to the mall tommorow.
Malasia POV
When I woke up I got a text from Rico saying "Goodmorning 💕😍💦." I smiled because boy I haven't got a text like that in months.
" Goodmorning 😘😚." I text back to him .
India poped her head up and said "who you texting 😈. "
"Rico 😳💕" I said 😳.
" We should go back to the mall I mean I can meet Rico today ."😳 I say kinda blushing
"Yayyyyy ok we can .ARRIELL WAKE UPPPPPPPP." India said screaming in Arriells ear . Arriell woke up but was a sleepy wanting to go back to sleep .
" We're going to the mall Malasia wants to see her boo 😍💕." India said smiling .
" He is not my boo I barely know him 😳💕." I said to them
Only if he was my boo. I bet he'll treat me like a princess 😍💕😘👑.

Authors POV

Boring chapter

It could of been more better

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