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Malasia's POV
I walk into 6th period and India gives me a big hug and thanks me for everything 😊. I don't know why she thanking me isn't that what family is for.
Kenyana, Nicki,Harlem,Vanessa , and Diamond were all talking about what happend at lunch today . "Girl I couldn't stop laughing when lilly flipped on her." Kenyana said laughing historical .
" she deserved that anyway always on somebody .... Mmmmm let me stop talking about people kids." Harlem said

"Yall are crazy , Jeremiah already told me what happened 😂." Diamond said
Diamonds POV

I'm Diamond, Malasias cousin ,I'm light skin , tall and skinny about 5'5", I got a little butt 😭 and small chest, people say I have a pretty smile , and I have almond shaped eyes , and thick hair that's always in a bun.

I'm also a very nice person but when a bitch get it twisted I will pop her ass trust and believe BOO BOO 😚.
Harlems POV
I'm Harlem , Diamonds cousin ... No I'm not Malasia ,India, or Arriells cousin. I'm 5'2", brown skin a little darker than Malasia, thick , small chested , I have a little butt , and my hair is always in Long box braids or twist. I have little feet and I'm know for my jays and petty attitude .😝
Indias POV

I'm still laughing at what lilly said 😂. Malasia went in on her too boy that was funny . I honestly thank her for sticking up for me that was nice of her. because I know I wouldn't of done it.
Malasia's POV

"Ya crazy 😂." I said still laughing.
We talked about this pretty much the whole class . I didn't know it was that funny I guess it was .👀

As I go on the bus to get home I got a text from Nasir.

Nas: Coco
That's what he calls me😑.

Me: what Nas 😐

Nas: Harlem being mean to me again 😩

Me:oh god. 😩

Why this nigga always coming to tell me what Harlem did to him 😭.He must be scared of her . 😭

Me:Harlem be nice to Nas

Harlem: no he fucking Aggy always tryna hold my hand and saying he like me *😘*

Me: and u like him back 👀

Harlem: ...... 🙊


Harlem : stfu just don't tell nobody 😭💕

Me: girl I knew you liked Nas 😝 I just fucking knew it 😭.

Nas: who like me 👀

Holy fuck I sent the wrong text 😟.

Authors POV

OK this is it hope Ya like it

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