I think i might be in love

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Malasias POV
As I was in the shower I listend to skinny love by birdy and thought about Rico 😊. I wish he was mine 😒 but he will be soon 😝.
I get out the shower and throw some pjs off removing my makeup and false lashes .
*facetime call*
Omg Ricos calling 😨 wonder if he thinks I'm ugly 😰.
Me: hello
Rico:hey beautiful why you not showing your face?
Me:I took my makeup off so I'm afraid I'll scare you.
Rico:nah shawty Neva that , your beautiful with or without it
He said while flashing a smile
Me:okayyyy you've been warned
Rico:omfg put the camera down ugly as hell
Me:see I told you
Rico:I'm just playing ma your even prettier without it 😘
Me:awwww thanks 😊
Rico:so you like the neckless I picked out for you ?
Me:of course 😊
Rico:well when you become mine you'll get whatever you want.
Me:awwww I really want to become yours 😩
Rico: I want you too baby 😍
Omg he just made me melt inside and out 😍💦.
We stayed on the phone all night saying how good of a couple we would be . I could imagine us already 😍 with the pictures and all lawd😍💦😘 I love him but it's way to early to say it.

Rico:baby you getting tired ?

I say half sleep

Rico: alright I'll talk to you in the morning before we go to school.😘

Me:ok night boo 😘

Did he really call me his baby 😍? Awwwww he must really like me . I wish he was here to cuddle with me .

Authors POV

Very short chapter

I'll try to update again tonight 😭

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