Chapter 15

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.:Mitch's P.O.V:.

We all sit in the gym, waiting for our names to be called to graduate.

"Muffin, Crumble" I hear the principal say, we all looked to see Muffin go onto the stage, she smiled nicely then took the graduation form, then waved to the crown and got down, well that was easy. Tons of names are called till.

"Mitchell, Hughes" I sat up, in something nice , walked onto the stage, I could feel the presence of a thousand people watching me, oh wait there is. I will try my best to smile nicely and with a shaky hand, I will grab the graduation paper. Then quickly walked down.

My heart felt like it was on fire! Almost beating at the speed of a humming bird wings. Then I walked onto the stage, it felt like there were thousands of eyes watching me and if I messed up they'd crash there hideous laughter at me. I trudged up to the principal, and smiled, he gave me my graduation form, and asked for something that I'd hate to do...

A speech...

"Mitchelle would you like to give us a speech from the hunger games champion?" I would love to say no but then Id let everyone down so

"sure!" I got really cold feet and I began to get nervous. Right then I saw Muffin walk onto the stage, she smiled nicely then whispered into my ear.

"Look at someone you love and imitation they are the only one in here." I nodded and scanned the rows for Jerome. Once I found him I smiled nicely and imitationed he was the only one here.

"Well obviously being the Hunger Games champion Its really hard to stay the winner, you have to train to get stronger, risk the fights, and make sure to keep you back covered. I remember when I was younger, I was so bad at the games, legit I would always get 'killed' and I will a might I was a noob." I started and heard the giggled from some of the people.

"But with some training and a little teamwork I was able to be THE HUNGER DEENS CHAMPION!!" I screamed into the mic, making sure to push it a little bit away so I don't hurt anyones ears.

~Time Skip to after the assembly~

I heard everybody laughing and talking, myself included, we were finally done hell! Oh I mean school. Jerome started saying we should play a game called Graveyard. I remember playing that when I was little, but Jerome has a tendency to act like a kid. They all voted on me being it.

I closed my eyes and waited 20 seconds, once that was done, I opened my eyes. They where a little waze away from me, I walked up to where they were to see, them all in suits, Ty was smiling nexted to Adam, same with husky and Ssundee, etc with everyone else. But Jerome, he was in the middle, kneeling infront of a little platform which read.

"Mitch stands here"

I did as it said and got really confused. Until Jerome spoke.

"Mitch, my benja, my love, my everything, I am kneeling here infront of you for I love you with all my heart."

He started, then I realized, HE PROPOSING TO ME!!!!!!! (Oops Mitch forgot his fangirl pills today -_-)

"We've were friends for 6 minutes, best friends for 13 years boyfriends for 5 years, and I hope to be husbands for the rest of our lives so-

Will you marry me?" He asked eyes filled with hope.

"I-I... YES!! JEROME YES!!!" I scream and hug him with all my might. "Yes Jerome! I will marry you!" I say before kissing Jerome straight on the lips.

Omg I'm going to get married sometime!

~a few months later~

"How could I stay calm I'm about to get married?!" I screamed at my friends who were trying to help me get ready.

"Hold still, Mitch, or I'll have to pin you to the chair!" Muffin threatened while trying to make my hair more spiked.

"Easy for you to say your not getting married?!" I throw back at her.

"Correction, I am!" She informed me. Wait...

"Ok ok ok, I'll try to stand a little more still" I tried to sit there but started thinking. 'What if Jerome says no or what if I fall and embarrass myself!? WHAT IF JEROME NEVER SHOWS UP AT ALL?!?!'

"Calm yo tits Mitch! Jerome is waiting for you. Also I'm so happy for you little bro" my sister, Tesla, says.

"Thanks." I blush as I start walking out the door.

HAHA!! You guys have to wait!~ I'm sorry, but be happy I gave you something!

Some True Loves (Skylox, Bashdil90, Merome, Ssunkipz, Setosolace, MunchingUniverse)Where stories live. Discover now