Chapter 16 (last chapter)

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.:Jerome's P.OV:.

I stood calmly at the alter waiting for MY benja. When in my head was a completely whole different story

'WHERE IS HE?!?!' 'I HOPE NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM!' 'WHAT IF A AGREY PVPER COMES BY AND KILLS MITCH?!' 'WHAT IF HES DOESNT WANT TO COM-' then I heard the bells that meant Mitch was going down the hall. hearing this I stood taller and smiled brighter.

Right on cue Mitch walks out wearing a white suit. His sister there walking with him. He looked amazing as if God create him just for me. His caramel hair stood up like usually and his dog tag hung proudly around his neck. I remember when I gave that to him.

~Flash Back Bitchs!~
(Also Jerome is 5 and Mitch is 4 in this)

I ran on all fours to my best friends house, Mitch. Only thing is hes a human, what ever. I had a dog tag around my neck, a little to big but I don't care. I quickly ran up to his door, I just hope his parents (auto -correct changed it to peasants XD) don't answer, they didn't like baccas. But luck decided to butt fuck me, his parents answered.

The first thing I heard was a scream followed by a broom hitting me from behind like I was a rat. But before they could do any REAL damage Captain Mitch to the rescue!

"Daddy stop hurting my friend!" He yelled as he ran infront of me.

"How could this beast be your friend he can't even speak English!" Wish wasn't true, baccas could speak English along with other languages.

"You don't know that!" Mitch yelled back, while I was hiding behind Mitch slightly whimpering.

"All right, prove me wrong." His dad replied. Mitch nodded and looked at me, then whispered.

"It's ok, Jerome, as long as Im here, no one will hurt you" and some how his caramel eyes, sparkling with kindness, calmed me down. I cleared my throat a bit and said in a rusty voice.

"H-hi?..." His dad and mom stood there in utterly shock.

"Go..." his dad said.

"What?..." Mitch replied.

"GO AWAY FROM HERE WITH THAT BEAST!! YOU WILL NEVER TRUST THOSE THINGS! They are evil and should be locked in cages..." His dad screamed with his hand pointing to the forest. My instincts told me to get what's valuable to me and run.

Which is what I did.

I quickly grabbed Mitch, put him on my back, and ran. I didn't know where I was going but I hoped my parents were ok with a third mouth to feed. Soon Mitch and I found a place we could rest a bit before going to my house.

"Mitch?" I asked.

"Yes, biggums?" He replied.

"I have something for you, some thing you can remember me by." I say as I take off my dog tag, putting it around Mitch's neck.

"Jerome... I love it!" He screamed as he gave me a giant hug.

~Flash Foreword Fuckers~

Ever since that day he's never tooken that dog tag off.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God - and in the face of this company - to join together this man and this other man in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore - is not by any - to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly - but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace. you may now say the vows.".

Some True Loves (Skylox, Bashdil90, Merome, Ssunkipz, Setosolace, MunchingUniverse)Where stories live. Discover now