Schnappter Eleven

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When Y/n woke up and Noah was leaning on her she really liked it so she smiled and went back to sleep. 

About fifteen minutes later everyone was waking up so Noah shifted back from Y/n a little bit.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Millie asked.

"Weee coullllddd hhaavvvee," Sadie started.

"Never mind, I don't know." Sadie took it back

"There's a doughnut shop a couple blocks away that we could longboard over and eat there." Y/n recommended.

"Yes. we should totally do that!" Noah excitedly agreed.

"K, let's go." Finn said, standing up.

About ten minutes later everyone was ready to go.

"Everyone brought their boards, right?" Millie asked.

"Yeah." Everyone responded.

"Okay, let's get a move on then." Sadie spoke, being the first person out the door and mounting on her board.

Seven minutes later everyone was looking at the donut display and wondering what to get,

After a bit of deciding everyone was ready to order, so they ordered and brought their donuts to the table that they found.

It only took a bit of time for everyone to finish their treats, and were on their way back to Millie's house.

"Sooo, what are we going to do now?" Finn wondered.

"We could go get the tie-dyed shirts and then you could leave?" Millie advocated.

"Okay, sounds good." Caleb agreed. 

Then only Millie and Finn brought back the shirts while the rest of the crew cleaned up the fort. By the time Millie and Finn got back all the blankets and sheets were folded, while the pillows were put away. 

"Now I guess it just happens to be the time that you guys leave.👀" Millie said passive aggressively. 

"Okay, see ya." Caleb responded.

"I'm sure we'll be back soon." Finn smirked.

"Byyyyee." Noah said, walking out the doors.

After the dudes left it was pretty quiet and the girls went up to Millie's room. This is what it looked like:

 This is what it looked like:

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"What did you and Noah do last night?" Millie inquired.

"Yeah, I turned around this morning to face you and I'm pretty sure I thought I saw Noah leaning on you a bit." Sadie agreed.

"We should talk about this in a bit." Y/n said, avoiding the question for now.

"We should go to my house." Y/n offered.

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