A Little Help***

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As requested by anonymous:Even after everything Bucky has been through he never forgets his mama raised him with manners and he'll always rescue any ladies that need it especially when reader is super horny and can never seem to get laid


As requested by anonymous: The avengers keep teasing reader and her crush on Bucky and because Bucky would do anything for reader he promises her he'll kill them all in their sleep. Awww how thoughtful

Warning: smut - fingering, p in v sex


You knew you shouldn't be watching...but how could you not?? He just looked too fucking good. UUUGGGGHHHH. Stupid Bucky Barnes with his stupid attractive face and stupid fine ass body.

You were staring at Bucky sparring with Steve in the ring and you continued to harshly punch at the punching bag.

Sam came up to you and caught your fist, "Chill, Y/N. Damn. You go any harder and you'll break the wrapping on your knuckles."

You looked at your hands to see that the wrappings, indeed, were starting to wear out. You shyly smiled, "Thanks, Sam." You sat on a nearby press bench and began unwrapping your hands.

Sam sat on the ground beside you, "So, uh, you crushing on Tin Man over there?"

You blushed, "W-What? N-No!"

Sam gave you a toothy grin, "I take your stuttering as a yes."

"Please, don't say anything to him. Our relationship is already awkward enough."

"Yeah, no. I get it. I just didn't think you were into the dark, mysterious, brooding type."

"...he isn't always broody..."

"Uh huh. Of course you know that 'cause you stare at him all the fucking time."

You slapped his arm as he laughed, "I do not!" Sam continued to laugh. You through your knuckle wraps at him, "Whatever. I'm gonna take a shower."

"And don't imagine you-know-who watching you shower!"



You were dressed and coming out of the gym showers when you bumped into Bucky...shirtless dripping in sweat Bucky...Oh God.

Bucky apologized for bumping into you, but noticed that you weren't even looking into his eyes or anything. You were looking at his body. He smirked, "Something wrong, Y/N?"

You were snapped out of you daze, "What? Nope! Sorry! Gotta go!" You dashed out of there. What you didn't see when you ran out was Nat watching the encounter between you two.

About ten minutes later, Nat joined you in the kitchen, "So, you like Barnes?"

You groaned as you closed the fridge door and rested your forehead against it, "Not you too. Did Sam tell you?"

"He didn't tell me anything. I saw how you were looking at Barnes when he was entering the showers. You got the hots for him?"

"Yes! Okay! Yes, I do! So what?!"

Nat smiled and shrugged, "Nothing. It's cute."

"No, it's a pain!"

"Why?" Nat walked over to the bowl of fruit on the counter and began picking at the grapes.

"Stupid Barnes and his gorgeous face ruins everything for me! His smile, his eyes, his laugh, and God! His body! He's fucking ripped! And it kills me! Why isn't it illegal to be so good looking?! My life would be so much easier if Barnes was ugly!"

Bucky Barnes x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now