Painted Like A Pollock***

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Summary: You and Bucky have barely been alone together due to other pressing matters. So as Sharon, Sam, and Zemo sleep, you both take advantage of the time you have now.

Warning: smut - dirty talk, p in v sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, oral (male and female receiving), facial


You couldn't sleep. The adrenaline was still rushing through you and your entire body was buzzing. But it seemed like everyone else was sound asleep, even Bucky, beside you. You let out a sigh and quietly moved away from him, going down to Sharon's little gallery to walk around and maybe tire you out.

You're just peering at a painting, eyes wandering over the brush strokes still visible. You jump when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You whip around ready to punch, but a hand catches your fist.

You sigh and lower your guard, "What the hell, Bucky?" you murmured.

He stands in front of you, bags under his eyes, "You weren't beside me. I came to look for you."

You let out a deep breath and run a hand over your face, "I can't sleep thought just wandering would help." you turn back around to face the painting, "It's...not really working."

Bucky hums and wraps his arms around you, resting his head against yours, "I've missed you," he murmurs before kissing your shoulder.

You snort, "We've been together this whole time."

"Yeah, but I miss being alone with you. Can't even kiss ya without Sam saying some shit."

You lightly chuckle and nod, "Yeah. But we're alone now."

"True," Bucky mumbles into your neck before pressing a kiss into it. Then he kisses you again, and again, and again all over your neck from behind. You close your eyes, giving him easy access. His hands go to your waist and he pulls flushed against him. He grinds his crotch into you and you gasp.

"You're not the only one who missed me, it seems," you murmur with a smirk and Bucky groans when you grind your ass against him, "Been so long, sweetheart. Miss your touch, your lips, your pussy."

You pull out of Bucky's embrace and he whines. Your fingers lightly hold onto his metal ones, "Let's continue walking around and looking at the art work."

Bucky grumbles, but follows you, "I'd rather look at something else."

You giggle as quietly as you can, "Behave for a little longer. I've never seen these things up close before!"

He sighs and continues to follow you, still sporting a hard on. Every time you stop in front of a piece, he stands behind you, arms circling around you and lightly rutting into you.

You snicker and shake your head, "You're so impatient."

"Can't help it, sweetheart. Missed you so much," he places another kiss onto your neck and you give a breathless sigh. He really knows how to wound you up.

You come to a halt in front of a glass case, inside it an extremely old looking vase, but has been kept in perfect condition. Bucky, rutting into you, rakes his hand up your body and takes a hold of your breast. You gasp out his name and he growls. He takes your hand and presses it against the glass casing. For a moment, your heart stops because you think it'll topple over, but no. It stays right in place, sturdy as ever.

"Please, darlin'. I think I've been good for a while now. Can I have you?"

Your breath hitches and you give a nod, "Okay, James." Bucky pulls away from your body and your brows furrow in confusion, but then you see him lay in between your legs, his eyes staring up at you.

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