Sugar and His Doll

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Summary: The domestic life of reader and Bucky. Reader always calls Bucky "Sugar" cause he's so sweet and Bucky calls her "Doll" because she's so cute.

Warning: mentions of nudity but no smut


"Sugar?" You called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, doll?" Bucky hollered back eyes not leaving the television as he watched Stranger Things.

"When you're done with that episode, can you help me with dinner?" You asked as you began to season the chicken breasts for the team dinner tonight at yours and Bucky's apartment.

You were mindlessly humming to yourself as you prepared the food. You loved cooking. It was one of your favorite past times. The team loved your cooking as well. They constantly wanted you to cook for them instead of them taking turns cooking.

You felt Bucky's arms circle your waist and he kissed your cheek, "You're so cute, doll. You're like an actual doll." he began peppering kisses on your neck making you giggle.

"Sugar, please! I need to get this food ready! And you're supposed to be helping me!"

Bucky chuckled and let go of you, "Well, I'm here now. What are my orders, ma'am?"

"Chop the vegetables and saute them in salt and butter."

Bucky gave you a salute, "Right away, ma'am." He slapped your butt as passed you making you squeal.

"Hands to yourself, soldier!"


Two hours later, the food was prepared. You and Bucky took a shower together, resulting in a lot of wasted water, but nonetheless, you managed to get clean in the end.

Bucky dried you off with your towel as he left kisses against your skin. You pushed his face away with a chuckle, "Calm down, sugar. We got company coming soon."

Bucky leaned in, "Just real quick?"

"We just had a round in the shower!"

"Super Solder, doll."

You waved him off as you grabbed your towel from him finishing drying yourself off, "Yeah, yeah. Now let's get ready. The team is gonna be here soon."

Sure enough, half an hour later, the team came knocking on your door. Bucky let them in while you finished getting ready, "Hey, guys. Come on in."

Steve came in last clapping his best friend on the back, "Lookin' good, pal."

Bucky smiled, "Thanks, Steve."

"So how's the retired life treating ya?"

"Don't you mean how's Y/N treating him?" Nat asked with a smile.

"Well, he doesn't look like his previous emo, moody and broody self. So I think Y/N is treating him mighty well." Sam said as he sat on the couch resting his feet on the coffee table.

"That I am, Sam, and get your feet off my coffee table."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said with a teasing smirk.

You stuck your tongue out at him and walked up to Bucky, "Sugar, there's some beer and wine in the fridge. Can you get them? I'll get the glasses."

Bucky nodded, "You got it, doll," he kissed your forehead and walked to the kitchen.

Tony pretended to gag, "Sugar? Doll? God, you guys are disgustingly cute."

You rolled your eyes, "Say no more or no food for you, Stark."

Bucky Barnes x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now