Chapter 40

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|3 weeks|

Draco ended up figuring out he likes you, actually Pansy told him you have feelings for y/n and he's like oh shit I do

And then Pansy says and she likes you too and Draco looked even more shocked then when he figured out he liked you

Now he's more awkward around you especially if you accidentally touch him

You were sitting with Pansy as you both talk when Draco stopped when he saw you and then continued to walk over slowly

Draco sat beside you and you accidentally put your hand on his hand and you look over

"Oh sorry." You say and Draco nods

"Ok." He says and he was really off which you noticed and you were confused why he was so tense around you

*Is Draco ok?* you think hoping he's ok because well he's your friend now you don't want something to be wrong

|A few days later|

|Dracos pov|

I didn't want to ruin mine and y/ns friendship it's actually a nice friendship that I don't want to have ruined, I want to kept it because we are really good friends, like we get along so well

So no matter how much I liked her I can't be with her so I started flirting with random girls to try and get over y/n

But since I started doing it even around y/n she started to not be around us as much

So one day I went to find her when Pansy said she hasn't seen y/n all day like at all, usually Pansy will see her at least a few times that day

So I went to find her and eventually Professor Mcgonagall told me that y/n was in the hospital wing

I quickly ran to the hospital wing and see y/n laying on the bed and I walk over and she looks over

"Oh I thought it would be Pansy who come to see me." She says and I then realized oh right she likes me and I flirted around her yeah I probably broke her heart fuck I'm an idiot

"No I care about you y/n, I feel more then Pansy would." I say trying to say I like her without saying I like her

"Ok? Well I am extremely sleepy so can you leave?" She asks and I walk over and suddenly I was kissing her and y/n looked shocked and I looked shocked

We were just staring at each other shocked

"Um hi." I say not knowing what to say and y/n looked extreme confused

"So do you like me or not? Because you flirting with girls and now kissing me is really giving me mixed signals." She says and I sigh

"I yeah that thing you said, I just don't know how to say it and didn't want to lose a friend who really cares about what I think and say." I say and y/n nods

"Would you rather me be your friend or your girlfriend?" Y/n says and I look up and I wanted girlfriend just I don't wanna lose her friendship

"I don't wanna lose you as a friend at all you understand me, I fee like I can talk to you!" I say and y/n nods

"Ok but I am really sleepy." She says as she then basically almost falls asleep talking to me and I lay her down and she falls asleep

*I don't know what I want, like I like her so much it would kill me if I saw her with anyone else now, but I also don't wanna lose her friendship if me and her don't work, she's such a good friend to have and I don't wanna lose a friend like her*

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