Chapter 75

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One night Draco was quietly crying as he held you in his arms he was scared every morning you may not wake up

He's so scared but he acts like in front of you everything is fine

When it's not everything isn't fine

*I don't want her to die I can't let her die on me I need her* Draco thinks as he snuggled his face into your back *Please don't take her from me*

|The next morning|

Draco woke you up and gave you your medication

"Here." Draco says and he sits you up and you lean your head on his chest as you could barely open your eyes and Draco noticed you seemed paler today

"Thanks." You say as you take your medication and Draco kisses the side of your head as he lays you down and you smile at Draco as you try and open your eyes

But you couldn't see his red shot eyes or how tired he looked

But his parents had noticed as he walked downstairs to get you some type of food

When Draco made you something easy and healthy he went back to his room as he looked like a zombie

"Hey sweetheart I got you breakfast." Draco says as he then feeds you as you still hadn't opened your eyes yet

"I'm so tired my eyes feel so heavy." You say and Draco nods

"It's fine you need to rest anyways so I'll feed you and then you sleep and heal up even more." Draco says and you nod as he continues to feed you *I'm not gonna lose her* Draco thinks as he talks to you about the future and stuff and what he wants to do one day

"I'm so sleepy Draco I can't talk anymore." You say as you could barely get that sentence out and Draco kisses you

"Ok rest." Dracos ays as his voice almost breaks so he walks out of the bedroom and then locks the door and leans on it as tears start to well up in his eyes *Please give me her health issues take them away from her and give them to me*

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