58: Final Chapter

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(Five months later.)

"Sh*t, finally, you're all mine for the night." Avery chuckled as he pulled off his suit while I struggled with the zipper of my gown.

After I had given birth to a wonderfully healthy girl, Avery decided that I should now stand in the spot light and posted photos of our little Aria and me all together. The news spread like wildfire and reports came rushing into the building in no time, luckily, they were stopped by medical staff from coming into my room and they had Avery interviewed live just outside the hospital building where he confirmed that I was his second wife. As we both know there were many questions regarding his current relationship and he just didn't answer until I could eventually join the interview that they had scheduled for the next two weeks.

At that interview, Rose was also called in whom decided to bring her son as well, so it was Aria, Avery, Me, Rose and Stein, her son. The interview didn't take too long and I was glad it didn't because I kept shying away from the camera when they began asking me questions about how I met Avery and the entire story. They kept laughing about the story of which I needed to exclude the part about Hazel because neither Hazel nor Avery wanted it to be told that way.

Three months later and we're married. Telling my mother the sudden news about Aria before I gave birth gave her some shock but she ended up rushing all the way to watch me have my first child. She was in tears as I died from the inside on the hospital bed with Avery by my side simply telling 'just try harder Iris, you're not trying hard enough' instead of comforting me. Though his face genuinely looked terrified and worried, he tried to insult me till the end. My mother knew Avery right at the hospital that day and she recognised him right away without me having to tell her that it was the cold blooded boss. She just knew. But all she told him was 'take care of my Iris' and she didn't say anything more.

So, this was our first day of our honey moon and my mother insisted she took the baby off my hands for the day. We couldn't travel too far since I still had to feed Aria and I can't really stock up her bottles in just a day for seven days. Avery didn't mind and just rented a room in Moonlight hotel where most expensive honeymoons are shared.

"Stop moving so much, let me get it for you." Avery hissed as he grabbed onto my waist to stop me from rotating and began to unzip the dress almost effortlessly. "All set. Now, get on the bed-"

"Just wait. I need to use the bathroom." I smiled sheepishly as I shoved his hands from me and rushed to the bathroom with a small bag my mum told me to get. She said she had something inside I needed to wear at the honeymoon before having fun with Avery.

I shut and locked the door when I could hear Avery sigh out so loudly. I unzipped the bag and pulled out what was inside.


A lingerie.

I giggled under my breath and began to put it on after I undressed myself. I stood in front of the body length mirror only to gasp at how stringy this was. It was hardly any clothing on it and the parts that were were clearly just black mesh.

What on earth was my mum thinking?

I glanced back at the bag only to notice a really tiny note sticking out from it. I picked it up and turned it upside side where the words were written.

Avery doesn't seem standard. I think he'll love this outfit. The girl working at the store said it's perfect.

Oh yes. It's the girl at the store.

I sighed out heavily and pouted my lips at the outfit.

It was hardly going to stay together.

Finally building up the courage, I turned for the door and opened it wide enough with a soft bang as I emerged into the room. Avery, who seemed to have been on his phone glanced up at me only to pause in shock.

"I know this looks terrible-"

"No it doesn't." He grinned widely as he tossed his phone aside and licked his lower lip seductively. "You look really s*xy, Iris. Come over." He grinned and I smiled slightly. Before I could walk to him, I flicked the white bulb switch off and flicked the heart shaped light on that illuminated some sort of rosy light from the corners of the room not too bright, but bright enough to know where things are.

I padded across the room to the bed where he was and he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me to him as I lay over him.

"Since you belong to me and only me, plus you're not pregnant, I'll show you no mercy tonight Iris." He whispered as he rolled over, trapping me under him as he leaned down to my neck. "The last time we had wasn't me in beast mode."

"You have modes?" I chuckled as I face flamed red from the feel of his tongue against my neck.

"I do." He whispered as he moved up to my ear as he brought my arms over my head. "There's the first one, just me, the second one, Avery and the third one, beastly. Pick the one you want to have." He whispered into my ear and I could feel the tingling feeling in my stomach as he slowly parted my knees with one hand.

"I want to see the beastly one." I said out breathlessly, already too entranced by his masculinity. "Let's we how beastly you can get."

"There's no escape." He shifted to face me. "There's no going back."

"Did I stammer?" I smirked into his grey eyes as he grinned back down at me.

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