17: Dinner party

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The trip to the hairdresser was a-matter-of-fact an exact ten minute drive. A hairdresser I wouldn't even go to taking from the prices and the exquisite hairstyles he had in stock. Plus, why would I want expensive hairstyles if I just go to work and get back home?

Maybe the work part.

"My my, you are one gorgeous woman Ms Brown." Mr Love, so the hairdresser calls himself, said as he finished cutting the edges of my hair. I gazed into the mirror and gasped at the fine work. My hair had more volume and was wavy like the woman in the picture. I didn't even pick for myself because Avery demanded I did the one he wanted.

It was perfect for the dress as well because it shielded part of my cleavage.

"Thank you, Mr Love." I smiled at him through the mirror as his icy blue eyes glanced down at me through the mirror.

He was a man covered almost entirely up with tattoos and not too buff or too slim as well. He had a well trimmed and groomed beard around his face with a smoky white wavey weave with frosty ends to finish the look. To be honest, he was quite good looking as well.

"Any time." He patted my shoulders as he turned my chair to now turn to my makeup, apparently, he was also a makeup artist which saved us time to travel to another location. Avery had his hair done by Mr Love's twin brother, Mr Dove.

Why they matched their surnames, I wouldn't want to know.

"Say, love, who are you to Mr Bronze?" He asked in a whisper and I glanced towards Avery through the corner of my eye and smiled slightly as I turned back to his eyes.

"His secretary." I said and cleared my throat a little. "His new secretary."

"I see. Do you have a man?" He asked as he powdered my face softly whilst I shut my eyes.

"No." I admitted, mostly because he seemed friendly.

"Does Mr Bronze... You know. Like to mess around?" He whispered with a chuckle and I blushed as I flashed my eyes and glared at him. "Don't tell me you haven't felt his warmth before."

"I've just come in today." I rolled my eyes and sighed out. "We keep our relationship professional." I said as I shut my eyes again.

"I doubt he will." He said in a mummer but I ignored him.

The last time I tried to become Avery's friend, I was told to keep things professional and I was just his worker.


"Now, there are two investors we're seeing tonight, one is from overseas and the other is from this country. We have most of the records of one but the other has just volunteered and we don't have much information yet." Avery said as he tapped away on his tablet, barely even complimenting my overall look that I tried so hard to make him notice. "You'll need to drop the local woman act and act rich and sophisticated." Local woman act!? "Show that you are professional. Treat me like a boss and everyone in my family as superior. Don't undermine anyone of them. You'll just embarrass me." He clicked his tongue and turned the tablet off before handing it to me. "Can't be that hard to act rich right? At least you know how to use a fork and a knife." He said and I frowned at him for insulting me indirectly.

Mr Bronze was really naturally mean.

"Yes, Mr Bronze." I said and he nodded as he glanced out the window. I turned to gaze out my own and clenched my jaw.

"Oh yes, if my mother insults you in anyway. Don't you dare walk out or turn your back on her. Try to ignore her and act unaffected." He said and I simply nodded as I watched the trees go by.

It's going to be a pain being his secretary/ personal assistant.

We made it into the gates and it was just as mesmerizing as it was before. I opened my door and stepped out into the pavement, glancing around and at the cars at the family restaurant.

"Follow." He commanded and I nodded and followed behind, still holding the tablet since most of the contracts were in it.

I followed behind him as we venture into the family room. A waiter directed us to a room where we were met by Mr Bronze senior, Mrs Bronze, Mr Bronze's old secretary, a man I had never seen before and..... Hazel....

The instant Hazel's eyes landed on me, a smile spread across his face from across the floor to me. He lifted his wine glass to me and signaled me to walk over.

Avery didn't say I had to walk around him all evening right?

"Where do you think you're going?" Avery asked as he grabbed my shoulder when I was about to leave.

"Blending in." I lied as I glanced at him. "I need to act rich right?"

"Not with him." He said as he suddenly snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. A gasp escaped my lips as my cheeks burned. "You're my secretary, not his." He said quietly. "I don't even know why the hell he's here."

"Avery.... This is uncomfortable for me." I whispered as I tried to glanced down at the floor hut couldn't see it since our chests were practically touching. "I'll just get a drink. That's all."

"I'll go get it." He said as he let go and turned towards the table. "You go sit over there."

I'm I going to be told what to do and what not to all day?

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