13: A pleasant Boss

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The drive to wherever he was leaving his papers was rather long and a bit tiring, however, I discovered it was just a thirty minute drive. We stopped at a large black glass building that stretched into the sky with the words 'NiCo' on the front. The last I remembered, I thought it was a fashion industry, but they do something entirely different. I don't know what it is but they really built up in a very short time.

Not many know who run the place. Either that or no one was interested.

"Let's drop off." The secretary said as she opened her door. I quickly opened mine as she stepped out and marveled the building even more.

So tall....

"Wait till you get inside." She winked as we walked towards the door with Avery up ahead. He glanced over his shoulder towards his secretary and then towards me, only to stop in his tracks and fully turn to face me.

"You're not going in." He suddenly said, turning my smile to a frown within seconds.

Was he still mad?

"Why not?" I asked in near anger since I wouldn't get to get into this building. I never did before. The only way to get in was through an access card or invitation. Otherwise, outsiders weren't allowed.

"Don't ask questions. Wait in the car." He said as he turned from me and began to walk towards the building. The secretary gave me a sad smile before walking from me as I stood still, where I was.

"Why did I come along if you were just going to keep me in the car!?" I asked as my anger took the best of me.

Anger with jealousy.

Nasty jealousy.

"If you're complaining, I'll cut you out of your work." He said before stepping into the building. The secretary gave me a silent gesture as if telling me not to complain more.

Well that sucks.

I sighed out and smacked my forehead in irritation as I stood outside the building.

It was pitch black from the outside and couldn't see anything from the inside. It was completely black.

Sighing out, I glanced around until I spotted a bench where I could wait out. I walked to it, feeling the aching in my heels already get the best of me so early in the morning.

And it wasn't even 10am yet.

I sat down on the cozy bench by a small white shade. The bench faced a beautiful green garden with a water fountain holding a white ball in the middle that poured water around it. It was peaceful. I guess for the employees.

"Is that spot taken?" A voice asked behind me and I glanced over my shoulder to the man standing behind me. He was wearing a white office tee with three loose buttons and his tie just hanging around his shoulder. His hair was grey with black tips that seems to spread everywhere they wanted to. Nearly the same hair cut as Avery, trimmed in the sides and longer in the middle. His eyes were somewhat a deep shade of blue.

Eyes I don't seem much often.

"No." I shook my head in denial and he smiled as he sat down on the empty spot, holding two cups with straws sticking out of them.

"Chocolate milkshake?" He asked as he held one out to me. I stared at the cup for a moment, a bit confused why he would have two cups of it.

"You drink two cups?" I asked as I took the cup, unable to deny his offer.

"Well, we have a small restaurant inside the building." He said as he jabbed his straw into the milkshake. "I saw you walking to the building and thought I'd share you some milkshake. It's really good." He said and leaned to his straw, sipping on it. He smiled as he shut his eyes and leaned back, sighting out as though he had a burden off his shoulders. "That's delicious...." I chuckled and took a sip of my own, nearly chocking on it at the amazing taste. "One of the best mixers in the state." He chuckled and I nodded in shock.

"Really good." I smiled and he smiled back before looking away and probably towards the fountain. "You work here?"

"I do." He nodded his head. Wanna go look inside?" He asked and I batted my eyelids.

"No, thanks. My boss won't let me in." I chuckled and he suddenly stood up, holding out his hand for me to take.

"We won't know if you take a peep." He winked and I glanced at the building, almost wanting so dearly to see inside.

He said it was just a peep right?

"Okay." I nodded and took his hand as he helped me stand from the bench. I took another sip of the milkshake and sighed out nervously as he led the way towards the building.

He let go of my hand at the door and stood aside, opening it for me. I smiled nervously and took a sloe step into the building. Almost feeling as though Avery was bound to be on the other side.

A gasp escaped my caked red lips as I stared at the entire place. The first room that greeted me was probably a waiting lounge with dark brown leather sofas, four of then each circling a round black glass coffee table. There was a small reception up ahead with a man standing behind the tall glass that reached to the ceiling that forced my eye to wonder towards the somewhat golden chandelier that coloured the room.

It was....

To be honest, this didn't feel like a company. Rather, an expensive hotel.

"It's so beautiful." I sighed out breathlessly and he chuckled as he stood beside me.

"It is." He nodded as I glanced towards him.

Damn he looked handsome.

A little less of Avery but he had some good features, just that his smile wasn't tempting or luring but adorable and cute.

"What do they do here?" I asked as he gestured towards the sofas.

"Well, this company does two things. It's an investment company and it's a connection site for most of the exchange done within the country. We handle part of the stocks and trade of the country. We don't store the stock, that's for another company, we handle the dealings. If that makes sense."

"It does." I nodded and sighed as I sat down and leaned into the sofa. So.... Warm and cozy. "How many years has it been?"

"Roughly three." He said and I gasped in terror.

"Three years and this building is all this!?" I asked and he chuckled with a small nod.

"It took a lot of beating from the owner, but he managed to find something he's good at. Trading and company advice and all that corky stuff." He explained and I nodded slowly.

"What's the owner like?" I asked and he glanced towards me. "As in, is he nice and all?"

"Is yours harsh?" He chuckled and I chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"He's a pain in the a**." I said and he chuckled, nodding his head a little.

"So how would you look at me?" He asked and I blinked slowly as I stared at him.

"Um..." I bit onto my lower lip and glanced towards him, noticing his lit up eyes. "You seem genuinely nice. At least so far."

"Oh, thanks." He chuckled lowly and slightly bit onto his lower lip and let it go. "Well the boss is the same, I guess."

"By any chance... Are you the boss?" I asked and he grinned, nodding his head. I gasped in shock and glanced around the place, noticing how free the employees were moving and didn't seem to be minding that their boss was in the lounge.

They seemed... Free.

"No one's running away." I said and he raised his brows at me. "Oh my boss always has his employees running away." I chuckled and he nodded slightly before looking around for a bit.

"Well, I'm just twenty seven so I don't think a forty year old should be running from me whenever they see me." He shrugged his shoulders and I nodded with a small smile.

Huh, good guy.

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the car, Iris!"


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