12: Why fear him?

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The doors of the elevator opened and we were greeted by a man dressed entirely like a chauffeur. He bowed slightly as Mr Bronze began to walk towards the doors, letting the man and I to trail back.

I didn't want to associate with Mr Bronze any longer, mostly because he seemed to be hot headed and loved to dwell on other people's personal issues but caged his own.

I honestly just wanted to who she was.

Unlike the first time, Avery opened the door and got into the car. Without letting me go through first. I stood there for a moment and sighed out as I walked around the car to the other side. I opened the door and he held up a finger.

"You'll be in the car behind." He said as he tossed the file on the other seat. "I don't share rides with my subordinates." He explained and I clenched my jaw as I bowed a little.

Is he that mad!?

I closed the door and walked away, without sparing a glance as I walked to the car just behind. The driver of the car I was going to ride opened the door for me as well as another woman whom I recognised was Avery's secretary.

She sighed out as we sat in the back and she unbuttoned her shirt a little. I sat there, looking around the car as the driver got in and started the car.

"You're his personal housekeeper?" She asked and I nodded slowly as we connected eyes. Her hazel eyes were alluring, matching with her long light brown hair that she tied into a tight ponytail. "Doesn't he bother you sometimes?" She asked as she sighed out deeply.

"Bother me in what way?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders and untied her hair, letting it fall to her shoulders like a curtain.

"Isn't he annoying?" She asked. "He's always flirting only to make you feel like garbage after a while." She rolled her eyes and glanced at me. "Doesn't he flirt with you too?"

"Well... Sort of?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I saw that day he was attracted to your cleavage. I felt sorry for you. That you would just become another dog he can hold on his leash." She said as she clicked her tongue. "I want to quit. If I do, he'll make you his secretary and you'll earn billions. Aren't you interested?"

"Why do you want to quit if you get so much money?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I need to get settled. I'm turning thirty soon and having hopes Mr Bronze will look my way will be childish of me. He's clearly not the marriage type." She ran a hand through her hair as she spoke. "Plus, I'm going to become his father's secretary. His father thinks I have the mind to take care of the hotel. The current one is retiring soon and they're having trouble replacing him."

"Does Mr Bronze violate you in any way?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Don't worry, he won't kiss you or even harass you. He just flirts with words. He's just a flirtatious man. Just don't take him seriously." She shrugged her shoulders again and I nodded.

At least I will get paid more right?

"How long have you been with Mr Bronze?" I asked and she smirked slightly.

"Since his company started." She said. "Roughly eight years."

"Oh." I nodded slowly. "Was he any different since then?"

"No. He's been the same. Even ignorant when he went bankrupt on the big fall of his company. He's always been spoiled." She explained. "Oh, one more thing, don't ever try to befriend him. He's got this habit of treating his friends like machines. He's likely to mistreat you if you two get comfortable with each other. Try not to get close to him. Keep it professional if you want to stick around the job long enough."

I stared at her for a moment I knew she was once Avery's friend. Probably the reason she became his secretary. Something sour must have gotten between them. Something she had to tear down their friendship for and keep it business.

"Were you his friend once?" I asked and she nodded slowly as a frown made it's way to her lips. "What happened?"

"To be honest, I don't want to be on his bad side. Not now." She sighed out. "But just try to keep it business. You'll be alright." She tried to smile but I could tell Avery must have done something terrible.

"Just answer this question." I begged and she nodded slowly. "Did he get physical?"

"None of that. He didn't harass me in any way." She chuckled and sighed out. "You'll be alright."

She just didn't want to tell me about it.

From Avery's side of the story, his life and what he goes through, it almost seems as though the people he's surrounded with treat him like he's not even human. But from the people who had been with him explain it to me as though he wasn't the victim, but the victor. They made it seem like he was just a monster trapped under human skin.

Maybe I hadn't seen this dark side of him.

Maybe the reason everyone doesn't want to be seen in his sight isn't because hr ordered them to. Maybe it was because he was just a disguise to someone as dark as they explain him to be.

I'd love to see that dark side of Mr Bronze.

I want to know why everyone fears him so much.

Why is she so desperate to find out? Won't she regret it!?

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