Chapter 28: All Good Things Come to an End

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It was three tired, sun-kissed males that portkeyed back to Grimmauld Place two days before the start of the school term. Harry smiled tiredly up at his two godfathers before heading towards his bedroom.

"We did good, Moony," Sirius said as he staggered towards his bed.

The next day found Harry, Sirius and Remus back at Gringotts. The meeting didn't take long, Harry simply had to go over some business with Lord Peter and Ragnok.

Sirius sat in and listened, but made no comment. He didn't try to run interference or influence Harry in the decisions. The older wizard had come to accept, during their vacation, that he made a better uncle than guardian. Bloody hell, even Remus made a better guardian than him!

The ritual was scheduled to be performed at the dark of the moon which was due in five nights. Harry had mixed feelings about doing the ritual itself.

Of course, he wanted that connection with Riddle to be severed, and most of all, to be out from under everyone's control. It was the possible cost that was worrying him.

'Get a grip, Potter,' he though. 'You've already paid enough in sweat and blood. And it's a fine time to worry about that now!'

The day that all the students returned to Hogwarts, the Daily Prophet's headline once more brought chaos.

Cornelius Fudge Ousted as Minister of Magic!

By Emily Anderson

In a vote of no confidence, called for by the British Muggle Prime Minister, Cornelius Fudge was ousted today as Minister of Magic. Right after the vote, the former minister was arrested on several counts of fraud, embezzlement, and bribery, and on six counts of breaking existing treaties between the Wizengamot and Muggle Parliament.

Amelia Bones was appointed acting Minister until a new minister is elected.

See page 2: The muggle British Prime Minister to address the Wizengamot next month.


Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk. A notice that he was to appear at the next school board meeting had him worried. He was surprised that the board hadn't been more demanding following Oliver Twist's articles. No one still had managed to find a clue on just who this person was. Several of the muggle-borns snickered over the name, but refused to comment on it. It seemed they found the ignorance of their pureblood counterparts amusing.

He was also concerned about Minerva. His deputy had been avoiding him for most of the Christmas hols. She was up to something; he just didn't know what.

Well, he'd just have to plan for the worst and hope for the best, for now.


Harry sat in a compartment with Luna as the Hogwarts Express barreled its way back to the school. Ron was off somewhere, doing whatever it was that prefects do, and Harry had yet to see Hermione. He hadn't heard for her all holiday. Oh well, nothing new there. Ginny was also gone; it was rumored that she was going out with Dean.

Harry was thankful he had managed to get onto the train without dealing with Mrs. Weasley. That woman was still trying to get custody of him and refused to accept that Harry was now emancipated and could think for himself.

"Hello Harry," came the dreamy voice of Luna, breaking into his thoughts. "Did the nargles give you a nice Christmas? I see that you have been busy playing with the water sprites."

Harry laughed.

"Daddy is waiting for another article, Harry. He's quite vexed that you took the hols off."

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