Oh.. It's You

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Amy's POV

"Hana...I'm fine now..We can go! Just drive carefully" I told her as we were heading to the concert venue.

I'll be a short drive, I really wanted to make this day count so I put on my fav outfit.

I'll be a short drive, I really wanted to make this day count so I put on my fav outfit

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"I know how to drive!" she gave me a death glare.

I was fine going there with my ankle, it wasn't hurting me much.

We made it on time to the venue we got the passes by showing our tickets. As we searched our seats I realized it was really close to the stage. Seriously?! What could have possibly happened to be blessed with such an opportunity!!

"Yeyyyy..It's going to start in a few minutes" she literally shouted. Well well I must admit that I was no less excited than she was.

Time flew by so fast. 3hours were never enough, I really wanted to be with them for some more time. Finally for the first time, I saw the 7souls singing soulfully the songs which gave me strength to fight my days. Damn they were sooo good!! They looked magical in between the lights, even without the lights they shine so brightly like they do in our lives. My dark nights are only lit because of their existence.

I think I'll definitely have PCD (Post-Concert Depression)

We sang,we laughed together and I couldn't help to stop my tears when it was time to leave.

Still , this will be my best day of my life!

While we were heading out it was almost 9:30 PM, it'd definitely take time to reach my apartment while waiting for the traffic to be cleared.

My phone rang while we were struck in traffic, it was Emily. "Hello?!" I wondered why she called me so late. When Hana asked me who I mouthed Emily, waiting for her reply.

"Amy!! Thank god you picked up! I have been trying to call you the whole day" she said.

"Oops! So sorry, I didn't really look at my phone the whole day, I was attending the concert"

"Wow you went to their concert! That must be really great for you!" she beamed, she really understands my love for them and I really love that from her.

"Yeahh, but let's talk about that later. Tell me why you've been reaching me all day!" I asked her.

"Oh yeah, about that...We have to get the ingredients as some of them are about to get done. Could you please make note of the ingredients which we need and send it to your uncle?"

"Shit!! I really forgot about that..yeahh sure I'll do it right away! Thanks for reminding me" I said as I hung up.

"Hana, please drop me at my restaurant. I"ve got some work to do. You get back to my apartment, I will get a cab when I'm done"

"Noo! I'm not leaving you alone in this condition. Just look at you! You are soo worn out. I'll help you" she said. I could understand her care for me but right now she looks worn out herself. I don't want my friend to be exhausted again because of me.

"No wayy! You're not coming with me! Just head home and sleep. it's just the ingredients crisis, it'll not take a long time." I giggled hoping that this would ease her.

"Mann..I don't know how the hell I survived with you for years" she said laughing with me."But jokes apart finish it and come back soon" she said in a firm tone.

"Sure babe!!" I said as I hopped out from the car and waved back at her.

I searched for keys to open the door of my restaurant. I made sure to display the board 'closed' display in the door and went in.

I switched on the lights and took my notepad from there to make the list of items we are in short off. While writing I heard someone come in making me jump from my place.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" It was him. Again. Does he have a habit of coming so late always!?! His voice, how did I recognize it's him like when I've only met him yesterday and he was in his hoodie again with the mask.

He always comes at unexpected times.

"I said I'm sorry!" He said as he waved his hands in front of me, probably trying to bring me back from my lost senses. "Are you alright?!" 

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