Chapter 9

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Elizabeth's POV


I woke up feeling so stupid, did I really respond to him saying I wish he was there too. Gosh that makes it so obvious that I like him. Maybe just thinks of me as a fan with a crush. That's a common thing.

I pushed that thought aside because I have a busy day today. I woke up at 7am. I know that's so early, especially since I stayed up so late at the sleepover last night. I get dressed quickly and leave before I wake up Kara or Rachael.

I check to make sure my guitar is in the trunk of my car. On Thursday mornings I go to the local coffee shop and play music. My friends know that I love singing and playing music, but I don't think I've ever mentioned to them about my gigs on Thursday mornings.

When I get there the place is packed like always. All those early workers in need of coffee. Plus I've begun to realize that a lot of people come on Thursday to hear me sing, which is really kind.

When I walk in, I get greeted with a lot of hi's and good morning's. When I go to the counter to say I'm here. Maci, a girl that works there that I've begun to become friends with, has my coffee already made for me. "Thanks."

I go to the front of the shop to the mini stage and set up my guitar. Some people start to crowd around the stage to hear me sing. My gig is only 15 minutes, but people still come to hear me.

I love the vibe of dining in a coffee shop because it's so calm and relaxing. I sing a couple Ed Sheeran songs and a Jaymes Young song. I'd say that there was maybe 30 people watching me. It was a pretty big coffee shop so a lot of people could fit.

I looked around the crowd and saw a lot of familiar faces. Lots of people I recognize because they come every Thursday morning. I smiled at them all and then I noticed one face that was really familiar.. Vikk was here.

He standing there, smiling at me. I smile back. I missed his face. I can't believe he's here. I can finally get the chance to talk to him. I finish up my last song, pack up my guitar and walk off stage. Vikk is standing there, I think he's waiting for me. Does he expect me to walk up to him? I mean yeah I am so his expectations are true.

Just as I'm about to get to him, Maci shouts my name really loud. I turn around and saw an urgent look on her face. Damn, now I have to go see what's up. I look back at Vikk who was still standing there looking at me, ugh I really want to talk to him. It'll just have to wait a couple minutes. I go up to Maci and ask her what's going on. "It's your place, it caught on fire and there's a fire crew heading there now. Kara and Rachael need you there pronto," Maci tells me with panic in her voice.

Oh my gosh, I hope they're okay. I need to get home right now. I quickly run to the door and right before leave I remembered... Vikk. I turn around and see him still standing there, looking kind of worried. I look at him and mouth," I'm so sorry." and head out the door

I missed an opportunity to to talk to him. As I hop in my car and start driving I feel a tear run down from my eye. This was finally my chance to talk to him... and I missed it. As I'm driving I keep re-seeing his face in the crowd. I haven seen him in what feels like forever.

I force myself to put the thought of him aside, as I rush to my house to make sure everything is alright. I hop out the car and start walking towards the place. I see the Kara as Rachael standing outside and a couple firemen walking out the house. "Your house is fine. Nothing caught of fire other than the kitchen," the fireman told us.

The firemen walk away and they all leave. Once they leave I stared at Kara and Rachael, "what the fuck did you do??"

"Well I knew you were at your gig at the coffee shop, which by the way how come you never told me about it? Anyway, we were hungry and you weren't home so I tried making food... and the kitchen caught of fire," Kara told me with a hint of guilt in her voice.

I'm the one that cooks in the house. Kara's not the best at the cooking. She can light anything on fire. "Thank God you guys are okay though," I say giving them a hug.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to head back to the coffee shop. Vikk was there, and I was finally gonna talk to him again, but then I got the message to come here," I tell them and hop back in to my car.

I arrive back at the coffee shop and look around for Vikk, but he was nowhere to be seen. "He left Elli," I hear Maci tell me from the counter.

"Yeah he went up to the counter and asked what happened and I told him. He asked how long it would be and if it would be worth it to stay. I told him it could be a while and he said he has a lot to do today so he left. He told me to tell you he's really sorry and he hopes to see you soon."

I look at her and smile. He wants to see me again. She smiles and says," oh and he left a note. Here" She hands me a small piece of paper.

Elizabeth, it seems like we keep missing the chances to talk. I would really like to see you again. Tomorrow at 6pm, meet me at mall. I'll be at subway (: -Vikk

Yes, now we can finally talk. If he's wanting to see me again, maybe he does feel the same way. The thought of that makes me happy.

I thank Maci for telling me and I head back to the house. When I got there I ran to Kara and told her what's happening.

"That's so great. I don't want to be a downer or anything but have you seen the kitchen.. it needs a lot of cleaning so before we start having a party about this we should probably clean," She tells me.

Rachael left because she said she's busy, she didn't tell us what she was busy with though. She been a bit secretive lately, I think she's hiding something. Definitely gonna need to ask her about that later.

We call up Mark and Tony for some help with the kitchen. We need some men to help us with the heavy work... but all the men I know were busy so we're just gonna have to hope that these guys can lift a little.

Together it took us about 3 hours to clean up the kitchen. We blasted some music, danced around and had a great time. After we were done cleaning, Tony and I headed off to work at subway. Work was really crowded today. When I got home I was beat.

I decided I'd go to bed early tonight since I woke up early. After taking a shower, I hop into bed and check Twitter one last time. I smiled when I read one of Vikk's latest tweets

"Tomorrow is going to be a great day."

I hope tomorrow with be great too. I feel asleep thinking of Vikk.

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