Chapter 16

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Vikk's POV



what the fuck. I wake and sit up in bed. Why the freak am I hearing 'Frozen'. I walk into the hall and hear it coming from Josh's room. I walk in and see Josh and Simon watching 'Frozen'.

"I'm not even gonna question it," I say and walk out.

I check the time, 10am. I went to bed around 3 last night. Downside of having a US sleep schedule is that all the guys in the house are up before me and I'm the last to go to bed.

At least I wasn't the only one woken by this. I see a rob a dob flob walk done the top stairs followed by a lava mob from the quest bedroom they were sharing. "Why Frozen?" Rob asked tiredly.

We head downstairs to see Mitch and Lachlan already awake. "Sup boys," Mitch greets us.

Mitch was going through the fridge. I ask," What cha looking for?"

"Well me and Lachy want to prank Jerome since he's asleep. Make a vlog, the fans love em.," he replied.

We all look for random stuff we could put on Jerome. Whipped cream, honey, yogurt, Shreddies because why not.

Mitch starts up a vlog, " Hey dudes it's Mitch and I'm joined with the rob that can't get a job, lava p, fish fish fish, and the sticky vikky. And yes we're all in London visiting Vikk, staying at the sidemen house. Poor Jerome is asleep so we thought we might as well prank him. This is the sticky prank."

We all slowly walk over to Jerome who was sleeping on an air mattress on the floor. Rob puts honey in Jerome's hands and all over his arms. Preston took the yogurt and covered Jeromes shirt. He even out some yogurt in Jerome's hair. Mitch took the whipped cream and put it all over jeromes face. Yet Jerome still hadn't woken up. On the count of three we all yell as I throw shreddies on Jerome. He wakes up with a start.

"What the fuck," Jerome exclaims. Oops gotta bloop that out later.

The rest of the day we spent getting ready for the party. Jerome took an hour long shower to get everything of him. We all took out our tuxes which were snazzy. All except Mitch. "Sorry dudes I come unprepared. Can we run to the mall to get one?"

Mitch, Lachlan, and I go out to the mall. The other stayed because they had to clean up and get ready. We go to the mall and quickly get Mitch a tux and mask. Before leaving Lachlan asked for Nando's, "Please Vikk pleaseeeee." Fine.

We order Nando's to go for us and all the guys back at the house and wait for it to get done.

"So dude," Mitch says to me," I heard you got yourself a girl. Sweet."

"It's not exactly like that. It's complicated."

"I never seen what she looks like. Do you have a picture of her?" Lachlan asks.

I pull up her Twitter and hand Lachlan the phone."Wow. She's really attractive."

"Hey back off she mine." I laugh.

"You didn't tell us she's coming to the party tonight," Mitch says looking over at my phone.

"Wait what? What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Yeah she posted a picture saying 'Sickest party happening tonight.' With the hashtag, get your masquerade on. So unless there's another huge masquerade party happening tonight, she's coming to this party."

Holy shit. No. FREAKING. Way. This is my chance. There's no way I could miss her. I'll spend the whole night looking for her if I have to.

Once the food was done we left and headed back to the house. "FOOD," I shout and all the guys come running like a mosh pit.

I ate then went upstairs and got dressed. I grabbed my mask. Shit. How am I supposed to find her if everyone's gonna be wearing masks. I look back at the picture she posted to see if the mask or dress was in it. The corner of the mask was. It's red. Okay now I know I just have to find someone in red.

Most of the sidemen left in their own car or with theirs. The Pack took two separate cars. Me, Lachlan, and Preston in one car. Jerome, Mitch, and Rob got a cab since they can't drive over here. "But poofless..." Rob whines because him and Preston were put in different cars.

I was following the gps in the car since I had never been to the place before and the gps got us completely lost. "Shit," I say. I checked the time 7:30. The party started at 7 and we were supposed to just be fashionably late. Now we're just late. I hooked up my phone to take us to the right place. Once we got there it was so crowded, but thank goodness I had reserved parking.

We all hop out the car and head into the building. As we walk in we hear everyone starting to get quiet as someone prepares for their performance. I don't know who she is, but people said she's supposed to be really good. We find the other guys standing near the front of the crowd so we joined them. When we got to them she started singing.

She sounded amazing. Her voice sounds really familiar too, she must be famous or on the radio. Me and the guys jam out to the first two songs really enjoying ourselves. Then the girl announced, "My last song is Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony. I personally love this song. It reminds me of this guy. I special guy at that. A guy I just can't seem to stop thinking about." I can feel myself smiling hard, "Enjoy."

I only knew this song because Elizabeth once quoted it on Twitter. I watched the girl sing because she seemed to getting really into it. I always love seeing people smiling and having a good time. Half way through her performs her mask fell off, oops. She didn't seem bothered by it and just continued. Obviously without the mask I could see her face clearly now... Elizabeth.

She's here and she's singing and she's doing amazing. She's actually here. I wonder if she's singing this sound about me... I hope. When the song was over we move away from the crowd. I immediately started looking for Elizabeth. I will NOT miss this chance. I checked back stage to see if she'd be back there, but she wasn't.

I saw her group of friends. I went up to the one I knew, Mark. "Hey Mark, I know Elizabeth's here. Where is she?" I asked him. He looked surprised to see me here.

"She just headed off to say hey to Simon and Josh. She'll probably still be with them now."

Great now I have to look for the sidemen. It shouldn't be hard right, there'll probably be surrounded by fans. Plus the pack was with them wen I left so all together it's a big group. So why was I struggling to find them?! Once I spotted JJ's head, I headed that way. Simon saw me and shouted over the loud music,"She just left heading that way." Pointing to the left. "Go find your girl, Vikk."

I rushed in that direction, pushing people outta the way and then in a small open area I saw her. "Elizabeth."

She turns around suddenly and smiled, "Vikk." Oh how sweet it is to finally hear her say my name.

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