Chapter 11

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Elizabeth's POV


You wake up, flawless
Post up, flawless
Ridin' round in it, flawless
Flossin' on that, flawless

I wake up to Flawless by Beyoncé. Today's finally the day get to talk to Vikk today. I woke up at 10 am. Enough sleep and enough time to get ready.

I took a nice long shower to make sure my body's clean. Once I was done in the shower I spent an hour curling my hair. I don't normally put this much effort in my hair, but I want to look nice today. I put on a reasonable amount of makeup and picked out a cute outfit.

When I was done getting ready it was already 2. I went downstairs and ate some food. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. I could've ate the whole fridge.

The house was quiet so I blasted some music. Kara was out at work so I was the only one home. I cleaned up the house a bit to waste time. I heard my phone ring so I paused the music and looked at who was calling: Julian.

Why on earth was he calling? I answer the phone, "Uhh hey."

"Elizabeth it's you right?"


"Good. I called because I want to say that I miss you... so much. I've been thinking about you for the past weeks but I haven't been able to get the nerves to call you. I haven't seen you since the last day of school. And I haven't talked to you since I broke up with you."

"Yeah not only did you break my heart when you broke up with me, but you ruined my birthday. What do you want Julian?"

"Shit. Yeah sorry about that. I just wanted to call because... I want to get back together. I miss you so freaking much and I'll do anything to get you back.

"Julian, I don't like you anymore. I've moved on and you should too. I'm really sorry."

"Okay I understand but give me a chance. Today meet me at the mall around 6. If you show up I'll know you feel the same way okay? I gotta go so I hope to see you soon."

Well fuck. What just happened?? He called me up after a year of not talking to me and says he likes me. And he wants to meet me at the mall. I'm totally screwed. I have to go there to meet up with Vikk, but what if Julian finds me first and thinks I'm there for him. That would NOT be good.

But I have to go. I have to see Vikk. If I don't go, he'll think I'm rejecting him and I'll ruin any chances I'd have with him. Why do bad things happen to good people?

The only thing I can do is go directly to subway and get to Vikk before Julian sees me. And if Julian sees me with Vikk then I hope he'll know that I'm over him and I've really moved on.

Once it's 5:30 I leave the house and go to my car. When I try to start up my car.. it doesn't work. what the hell? I kept trying, but my car refused to start. Why?? Why does this have to happen right now? I have the worse luck. I keep trying and trying.

it's 5:45 now and my car isn't starting. I don't want to be late. What if Vikk thinks I decided to not show up and he leaves?? fudge cakes.

The only other thing I have to ride is my cruiser bike. Ugh, I guess it's the only choice I have. I take out my bike, put my bag in the basket and head off.

Wen I get to the mall it's 6:20. I quickly rush inside and hurry to subway. Right before I get to subway I run into someone. "shit, sorry." I say getting up.

"I knew you'd come Liz bear," the guy said, Julian.

Of course. Of course I had to run into Julian. "Julian, wait I-"

"Shh," he takes me into a tight hug, "I've missed the feel of you so much."

"Julian, I don't like you.. I told you I moved on."

"Then why did you show up? I understand if you're in denial, but Liz doesn't this feel right."

I was still in his embrace while he was talking. I will admit, his hugs are warm. Julian really is a great guy, I wouldn't have dated him otherwise. but I really have moved on, and all I really want right now is to see Vikk.

"Julian, I have to go now," I say, "please let me go."

He stops hugging me, but then the next thing was unexpected... he kissed me. I pull back right away. "JULIAN!!" I shout at him. "I'm sorry, I really am. But I think I'm in love with someone else and I'm supposed to be meeting him right now and he probably thinks I stood him up so please let me go."

He stares at me. "I'm sorry... I just. I don't know what I'll do without you. I've been a mess since me broke up," he says, looking down.

"Julian, look at me. You are a truly great guy. But what you and me had, it was in the past. You'll find your girl, I promise, but I'm not her." I give him a hug and tell him I'm sorry, but I have to go.

I check the time 6:45... I rush to subway hoping Vikk's still in there. When I get there, he's gone.

"No, no please no," I say quietly to myself. He left. I run out the store and rush through the whole mall looking for him, but he was no where to be found. I slump down on a bench and start to cry. Not like a heavy, weeping cry. But a soft, whimper cry. I feel so stupid. I missed such a good chance.

I'm about to leave and when I go outside its raining. fucking rain, can you not? I can't ride my bike in the rain. I call Rachael and ask if she could pick me up. She said she's busy doing something. What on earth is she busy doing?

I call up Kara and she comes pick me up. I throw my bike in the back seat and sit in the passenger seat. Kara looks at me, "What the hell happened to you?? You look like your face was in a tornado."

I looked in the mirror and realized my make up was messed up from crying. I told what happen with Julian and Vikk.

"Awh sweety, when we get home dm Vikk. Make sure everything is okay. I'm sure it will be fine," Kara told me reassuringly.

When we get home I take a shower and wash all the jacked up make up off. I get on my computer and see if maybe Vikk dm'ed me. He did. He said, "What happened? I waited and you didn't show. I know you got the note."

I didn't know what to tell him. I don't need to bombard him with all my issues so I tell him the smartest thing I could think of.

"My car wouldn't start so I had to ride my bike. And then I ran into an old friend. Once I got to subway you were gone"

"I am so sorry, Vikk. I really did want to see you."

I got a respond from him a couple minutes later, " I'm not so sure you did. sorry."

I replied back to him assuring him I did want to see him, so badly. But he didn't respond. Was he mad at me? I'm mad at myself. Why must I screw it all up?

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