Chapter 21

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Elizabeth's POV


I hate being sick. I spent just about the entire day sleeping. I'd wake up with a headache, eat something, get something to drink and then sleep again.

Kara checked up on me a couple times to make sure I was okay. Mark skipped work just to hang out with me. This dudes amazing.

"Hey Mark, how've you been?" I ask him.

"You sound like shit. But I've been good. Im actually in a relationship right now," he said smiling.

"So Liam asked you?" I asked its a smirk.

"Yeah.. how'd you know? Did he tell you? But anyway yeah. We're going on another date tonight. Last nights date was awesome."

"Where are y'all going on your date tonight?"

"I honestly have no idea. He told me its a surprise. He's so romantic."

He stayed in bed with me and we watched movies together. He didn't mind staying close to me even though I was sick. He's the sweetest. I put my head on his shoulder, "Thanks Mark.. for everything."

I fell asleep laying on him. He might be gay and not into girls but damn this guy would definitely be a ladies man.

I woke up later that day in bed by myself. Mark had to leave for his date of course. I was really bored now. Kara was gone, I was phoneless, and I wanted someone to talk to.

I went next door to talk to our neighbor, Mikayla. She was a sweet girl. I didn't know her all that well, but we've talked a lot. She opened the door, "Hey Elizabeth. You okay? You don't look so good."

Why does everyone keep telling me that. I may be sick but that's not gonna keep me from being social. "Yeah I'm a little sick, but I'm alright. I'm just bored and wanted to talk to someone." I hope she doesn't mind me coming over pretty late in the evening.

"Oh okay, come on in."

Her house was so organized. I swear this girl spent half the day cleaning. She sat down, put on her glasses and pulled out a book. She was reading Allegiant, the last book in the Divergent trilogy. I sat down next to her and we spent a good hour talking about the book series. We were both big book fans and we did this pretty often. One time we spent a whole day watching all the Harry Potter movies and comparing them to the book. It was great.

I went home, sat on the couch and continued to watch Vampire Diaries. Then I heard a phone ring in the kitchen, it wasn't mine. It was Kara's. Why the heck did she leave her phone? She must've forgotten it. I answered the phone, it was the people from the phone store and they said my phone was ready to get picked up. Thank goodness, I thought it would take longer.

I headed to the store and got my phone. I don't care how sick I am. I'll do anything for my phone. Oh mah baby is back. I turned it on, ahh the greatness. I had one miss call. It must be Vikk. I called the number. The person answered and said, "Hey Elizabeth." It wasn't Vikk. It was Simon.

"Hey Si, how did you get my number?" I asked him. Maybe Vikk gave it to him.

"Oh, I was taking out the trash and I saw a piece of paper with your name on it and it had your number so I thought I would just call you to see if it was really you. Talking about trash.. you sound like trash. Are you sick?"

He found it in the trash? Why was it in the trash?

"Yeah I got a cold yesterday. I'm slowly starting to get better. But wait, it was in the trash? I gave it to Vikk at the party on Sunday."

"Oh well he must've threw it away."

oh. wow.

"Well anyway, how would you like to come over to the sidemen house sometime this week to hang with all of us? We have an epic Fifa match planned tomorrow and we'd love for you to join us. If you aren't busy."

"Sure I'd love to as long as I'm not still sick. What time should I come over? and what's the address?"

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll come pick you up in the morning around 10."

I gave him my address, said goodbye and hung up. I was kinda upset right now. Like seriously why the duck did he throw away my number.

I went on Twitter and tweeted, "Been sick with a cold the last two days. Freaking sucks." I had a message in my dm and I'm sure it was from Vikk so I ignored it. I didn't feel like talking to him.

I went to bed early so that I could wake up early in the morning. I took some cough syrup and headed off to bed. Sickness you better not be an asshole and let me be social tomorrow.

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