Wally and Artemis

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Wally: did they fall for it?!

Artemis: oh yeah...

Artemis: chased me around Metropolis for 4 hours

Artemis: had to pretend that I didnt know that 6 superheros were following me...

Artemis: Rob's laugh was a dead giveaway

Artemis: he laughed like 30 times in less than 5 minutes

Wally: that's Robin alright

Artemis: anyways...

Artemis: they gave up when they followed me home

Wally: how long do u think we can keep this up for?

Artemis: idk... but we cant say anything or else Sportsmaster will come.

Artemis: and I dont want anything bad happening to u

Wally: awww r u being affectionate?

Artemis: hey!

Artemis: do u want to die or not??

Wally: ur right...

Artemis: thank you!

Wally: I do not want to die without seeing the Eiffel Tower first

Artemis: wow way to ruin the moment

Wally: me?!

Artemis: yes you!

Artemis: who else am I talking to rn?

Wally: idk... me of course!

Artemis: whatever... my feet are killing me!

Artemis: walking around in heels for 4 hours is painful

Wally: yikes

Wally: that sounds like torture

Artemis: yeah no kidding

Artemis: so what lame excuse did Rob use before leaving u at his place

Wally: oh ur gonna love this!

Artemis: I'll be the judge of that

Wally: so we're playing Mario Kart and Rob is always super competitive but then his phone starts chirping and Robin literally dropped his controller and lung for his phone! He kept texting someone and his phone kept chirping every couple second... I think it was the group chat they have 4 us cause 5 minutes later he tells me that Batman set himself on fire and he needs Rob's help... I ended up snooping round his place and winning Mario Kart!

Artemis: his phone CHIRPED?!?!

Wally: uh-huh!

Artemis: and his excuse to leave was Batman set himself on fire?!?!?!

Wally: double uh-huh!

Artemis: u were absolutely right

Artemis: that

Artemis: was

Artemis: the

Artemis: FUNNIEST STORY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artemis: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wally: ikr and Alfred had to come in and was completely dumbfounded whe  he saw Rob leave and me cracking up on the floor!

Artemis: omfg

Artemis: I'm using that as blackmail from now on!!

Wally: way ahead of u beautiful

Artemis: anyways I gotta sleep now!

Wally: alright...

Wally: me too

Artemis: good night Baywatch

Wally: good night Beautiful

Wally: ❤💚💛

Artemis: what's that? ☝🏻

Wally: well the red is for one part of my KF costume

Wally: and then the green is 4 u

Wally: and yellow is for me again

Wally: I'm basically with u...

Artemis: awww Wally! Thats so sweet

Wally: 😊❤

Artemis: anyways I rlly gotta sleep now

Wally: same here... my mom is threatening to take away my phone if I dont sleep rn

Artemis: then go to sleep!!

Wally: im trying!

Artemis: alright good night Wally!!! ❤❤

Wally: good night Artemis

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