The Meeting

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Pro hero Hawks was going back home from a long day of patroling and meeting a LOT of his fans.
       ||... UGH! Finaly! Going back home!..i cant belive that so many people are fans of mine... I met more today than any other day! Weird... Eh i AM pretty hansome! But... Tired as well.. Why is it so hard to go back homee!....... || ........

Few minutes into walking he hears a a familar soothing voice. 

,, Hello, Hawks!.. "

,,......" he stops ,,What do you want Dabi?..

Welp here it goes... Another friendly talk whit the villian Dabi. Known to be whit the League of villans. For short the LOV. 

       ,,You dont seem that happy and full of energy, are you tired beeing the center of attention??"

Hawks paused. Dabi was kinda right. 

      ,,.....",, Look... Dabi... Leave me alone... I dont wanna fight right now. You can see im tired... ",, Or you want to take advantige of that??"

,,Nah... Im just bored! I did nothing all day!

Hawks gave him a look that he new that Dabi was lying.

      ,,You know i dont belive you..." Hawks said while looking in to Dabi's eyes. Not looking away ever for a second. 

       ,,So? What if you dont belive me?And umm whats whit the stare?"

Hawks quickly broke the eye contact. 

       ,,Im trying to guess when are you going to attack me!... " He said in a rush. 

      ,,I won't! I just wanna talk whit you! Nothing more! " 

As Hawks was about to start walking again he felt a hand grabing him by his sholder. He flinched. 

       ,,...!?",,Let me go...." Hawks said in a not so calm tone. 

      ,,First i want to talk whit you..."

Hawks felt Dabi's nails to dig in his coat.

      ,,Fine! But in a more....darker place so no pro will see us... "

He knew that Dabi is planning something but wasn't sure what....


Dabi pulls Hawks in a dark little street corner. And there they are... Both of them staring at echother. Not knowing what will the other one do.

       ,,So?.. What did you wanted to talk about?"

       ,,Well....about...the LOV.. "

Hawks was confused. Why did Dabi want to talk about the LOV? Was it something imortant that he has to know? Or was it a plot? 

       ,,What about them?... 

Dabi smirked...wich it ment not a good idea of Hawks agreeing to ,,talk"

       ,,I knew it....You were lying!"

As Hawks was about to pull out a feather he felt a hand touching his neck.

       ,, ....." ||SHIT! I MESSED UP!|| 

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