Old times

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Hawks didn't belive what he heard....Did he hear the name right?!? Was he dreaming?! But they told that he is dead?! HOW?!?

    ,,S-STOP PLAING WHIT ME!!! YOU KNOW HE IS DEAD SO YOU ARE JOKING WHIT ME!" He was trembling and in tears...

    ,,Y-you don't belive me?...Do you remember the old times?"

    ,,W-what old t-times?" Still in tears and not beliving even a WORD that Dabi said.

    ,,When we first met...when i saw you all happy...i just couldn't stand you at first...you always bugged me: Hey, new guy! Whats your quirk? Whats your name?....and all these qestions..."


    ,,......Y-you helpped me when i was....buring up....i was in pain..and you knew you could get burned...b-but you still hugged me...told me that everything is going to be alright..."

Hawks stood there...in tears...speechless....Was it Touya? Was it acually him?!

     ,,Т-touya?...I-is it..BUT HOW?!" Hawks said this while he jumpped in Touy's arms and hugging him.

      ,,Heh..." He hugged back. ,,I...escaped the fire..."

      ,,I can't belive i fought whit you all these years!" He said while hugging Touya more and crying on his shoulder.

     ,,Yeah..your stupid for not realizing taht it's me..."


   Di  ,,Maybe..."

    ,,NOT MAYBE!! YOU ARE!!"

    ,,Please be quiet..."

    ,,NO! Not until you tell me why the heck didn't you tell me it was you?!?!" ,,ALL THESE GOD DAMN YEARS!!!"

Dabi or should we say Touya was fed up whit Kiego's yelling....he needed to shut him up!

     ,,If you won't shut up...i will make you!"

     ,,Than make me!! You can't-"

Dabi didn't care anymore, he just went for it!


Dabi kissed Kiego not knowing what else to do or what will happen! But to Dabi's surprize...Kiego kissed back!


They both were now in a long beautifull kiss that they both wanted to do for many years!

     ,,Ha~" Dabi broke the kiss. He took few breaths and asked.

     ,,Did you enjoy it?~"

     ,,W-what's this stupid qestion...ofcourse i did!" Hawks said between few breaths and blushing a lot!

     ,,I knew it~"

    ,,I didn't know you are a good kisser!"Hawks said and right after shutted his mouth.

Dabi chukled. 

    ,,Well now you know!"

    ,,No need to be embaressed, Kiego! It's normal !.."

Hawks was still blushing. He was shocked that after all these years..they finaly kiss!

    ,,It's our first kiss..."


    ,,Do you know from how long did i wanted to do it?" ,,To kiss those soft lips, to look in these eyes that you could just loose your self in them..."

   ,,N-no?" ,,For how long?"

   ,,For all these years we were frineds..i wanted to be something more..."

    ,,S-so your telling me that you liked me for years?!" Hawks thought he was going to be rejected back then! 

    ,,Im stupid!" Hawks face palms.

    ,,Why are you saying this?"

    ,,How..did  i make you feel...Did i make you feel that i was going to reject you?"

    ,,Yup..many times!.."


    ,,Think...you always said: Your the best friend i could ever ask for!, You are my friend forever!...and i said: Yeah! Best friends forever!..You always friend-zoned me!..."

Hawks did say these stuff!! How could he not realize?!?!??!

    ,,Oh my god! I-im sorry for making you feel like this!! I didn't know you felt the same way like i did!!"

    ,,What do you mean: Like i did?"

END HERE! This was part/episode 4 plz no hate and the next part you maybe be confused...I will expalin it at the end or in the coments!


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