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As they are going back to Kiego's place both of them were holding hands and not letting go even for a second. But it was kinda werid...not talking just walking and holding hands...

    ,,...Hey, Touya?" 


   ,,Well when we get home..what do you wanna eat?"

   ,,I have no idea.." Dabi shruged. ,,I just wanna be whit you..."

   ,,But you already are whit me!"

   ,,So? Can't i want to be whit you forever?"

Hawks chukled. ,,You know you can't be whit me forever..."

   ..Yes, i can!" ,,I can show you that i will be yours and you mine forever! Got it?"

   ,,Yes, i got it.." Hawks smiled and kept holding Touya's hand.


   ,,But...What about the league?..."

Dabi paused....

   ,,....I guess i will go tomorow to them....i really don't wanna go..."

   ,,...But you know you have too.."

   ,,...Yeah..that sucks..."

   ,,..But it's better to keep it a secret...because if the LOV finds about us...t-they might do something or me...."

   ,,......Fuck them...if they try to do anything to you i will kill them and won't give them mercy!"

Kiego didn't know Touya is THAT protective!

   ,,...Heh...when did you become that protective?"

   ,,After i fell for have no idea how fucked up shit i have done..just so the LOV doesn't kill you..."

   ,, you mean?" ,,W-what did they do to you?! Did they hurt you?!" 

  ,,Nah..i just lied and they almost got me a bunch of times...They saw that whenever we were attcking you i was kinda..."

   ,,Soft on me? I saw that were attacking me always made a way for me to get you whitout me realizing that you...planed it..but i figured it out!"

   ,,Your smart!..And i lied and said that its better if we..,,Make you suffer" or shit...and they were stupid to belive it!'

Kiego didn't belive that even tho...they are of them is a hero and the other was a villian...He still cared about him...Dabi didn't want Hawks to die...

   ,,...You still love me..even tho..i attacked you so amny times..."

Dabi looked straight in Kiego's eyes and said...

  ,,Did you think i will stop loving you?... Your wrong.. I love you and WILL love you forever... Again.. Got it?"

  ,,Got it! "

They keep walking and talking sewwts stuff to echother. They didnt realize when they were infront of Kiego's house.

  ,,Oh! I guess we are already here! "

  ,,Well i think that was fast!"

  ,, It was slow, we think it was fast because we were talking! And didnt realize the time! "

  ,,I guess your right!"

They both go inside. Kiego locks the door.

  ,,So any idea what do you wanna eat?? "

Dabi shruged.

  ,,Seriously?",, You still dont know?"

  ,,Yup... I still dont know!"

  ,,Want some... Chicken nuggets?"

  ,,Is that what you always eat? Oh i forgot about KFC!"

Hawks looked at Dabi whit a disapointing face.

  ,,Wow.. Touya! ",, Are you kidding me?

  ,, Does it look like?"

Hawks realize that Dabi was serious.

  ,,Alright... Ummm.. Oh! What about hot dogs?"

  ,,Sounds good to me! "

  ,, Alrighty!",, Do you wanna help?"

  ,,Well im not the best at helping.. But yeah! I'll help you!"

  ,,Thanks! "

After what seem a little bit and a lot of joking around whit echother they are finaly done.

  ,,That was fun! And we were fast!"

  ,,Look at the time, idiot!" ,, But whatever lets just eat 'cuse im starving! "

  ,,Yea... Im hungry as well! "

They sat down and started eating. Later after dinner.

  ,,I' ll put the dishes in the dish washer!"

  ,,Thanks, Touya!"

Dabi smiled. He was happy that they aren't fighting.... That they are back togeter...

After a while both of them are snuggling in bed. Talking sweet stuff.

  ,,Do you remember...when we were we used to climb on trees... And just sit and watch the sunset? What did you feel back then?"

  ,,I felt... Like we were toger... Like a cople and watching the sunset... I really wanted to hold your hand at that time...but i didnt know how you felt for me..."  He was kinda emaressed after saying this.

  ,,Oh? Well i wanted to kiss you back then..but i didnt... Because you slways friend-zoned me all the time.."

  ,,I said im sorry! And we can kiss now.. Right? Because we know that we both feel the same for echother.."

  ,,We do.."  Dabi said whit a soft voice. You can just fall asleep if he keeps talking like that...just talking seewt, loving stuff and petting your hair....

Than they both did a loving, soft kiss.

And a little later fell they both fell asleep....


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