First day.

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-May 15th, 2015-

Ava is any ordinary girl. Black hair, magenta eyes.
Yeah, never mind she's not that ordinary. But-! She's lives an ordinary life. Ava lives with both of her dads, Devon and Andrew. They love her to death, and Ava loves them just as mu—


"Ugh.." Ava flipped her head over so her pillow is over her head, trying to ignore the world.
Ava was even less motivated as she heard her kindergarten friend's voice.. Asch. He's such a pain in the butt that Ava became friends with him out of pity of him not having any, but this pity friendship has been going on for 9 years.
Ava groaned, but Asch was having none of it. He opened the door and threw his backpack on top of Ava, "Get up you lazy-ass! If you make us late for our first day, I'll never forgive you for the beating my mom will give me!"
Ava leaned up, "Ouch, ouch, ouch! Fine!" she pushed off Asch and held her head while Asch had his hands on his hips.
Ava went to her closet and put on the uniform her parents left before they went to work. She didn't care Asch was there, they're just at the point of not acting like best friends, but not really caring what the other witnesses or knows. So in result, Asch watched Ava change, even going over and straightening out her uniform tie.
Ava leaned her head up and pinched Asch's nose, "I can do that myself!"
Asch tut at her, "Whatever, you're helpless anyway.."
Ava got her backpack and left her room, she was about to get food from her kitchen but Asch opened his bag, "I made us egg salad sandwiches. I figured you'd take forever to get up so.."
Ava went over to Asch and took the sandwich from him, taking a bite as she went to the door. "Yeah whatever, thanks loser. Let's get going!"
Asch rolled his eyes as he took the other sandwich from his bag and took bites as he went out the door with Ava, zipping up his backpack.
As soon as they got on school grounds, Asch stuffed the rest of the sand which in his mouth while Ava had been done for awhile. Surprisingly they were a bit early so they went to find their assigned lockers. After about 5 minutes of trying to locate the locker numbers, they were coincidentally across from each other. Jokingly, Asch said to Ava: "Oh god I'm next to you again?! Another school year down the drain.."
Ava punched Asch's arm as they both snickered.

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