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Ava put her books in her locker as they were heavy, as she shut her locker she met eyes with a boy with lavender eyes and glasses with gold stud earrings.
The boy looked down at Ava, and he spoke.
"Oh-! Um.. Hello-! Locker.. neighbor.." He was a bit startled as he wasn't intending to start conversation, but since they locked eyes it was obligated.
Ava looked up at him, "Wussup locker neighbor! I'm Ava."
The boy smiled at her as he already had his locker messily organized with notes, books, an extra pair of glasses and sticky notes. "My name is Rhys! Nice to meet you, Ava."
Ava smiled as she tucked her hands in her skirt pockets. "What year are you?"
Rhys pushed his glasses up on his nose, "Ah-! I'm a second year. Though I've never really socialized so I'm a little nervous after staying at home for two months.."
Ava nodded at Rhys, "Ah.. gotcha."
Asch looked back at Ava as he closed his locker, "I'm done, you ready to look 'round, Avocado?"
Ava sighed at Asch using a nickname to her. "Yeah.. I'm ready Asch" She walked to Asch while taking her hands out of her pockets, Rhys watching her leave.
As Asch and Ava went to look around, Rhys eventually went and met up with his sister, Teony.
"Who was that girl you were talking to?"
"My locker neighbor.."
"You think you're gonna make friends this time?"
"I sure hope so, it's been lonely ever since you got a girlfriend.."
"Hey! Now don't you go slandering her, she really likes you and treats you like a little brother as well."
"Yeah.. but you don't talk to me during school anymore."
"You can always join us, Rhys."
"No, I'm okay with my books, Teony."
"Whatever you say.."

My Inner Demons High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now