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Ava and Asch were pushing each other playfully as they walked down the halls, but Asch gave too big of a push to Ava, making her nudge into a boy with white hair.
"Watch it you klutz!"
Ava got startled and looked behind her, then peering up at the boy's face. He had cyan eyes and a scar over his right eye, Ava to say the least was... intimidated.
"S-.. Sorry!"
Asch took Ava by her sleeve and pulled her off of him, putting her behind him so he can protect her. "Watch where you're going you asshat!"
"Asshat? Speak for yourself, burnt eyebrow."
Asch got aggravated...

cause he was correct.

Asch's right eyebrow did indeed get burned, but it looked more like an eyebrow slit from Ava trying to fix it. Asch had a habit of carrying lighters and matches around because 'You never know when you're gonna need it', but in reality, Asch just likes burning things.
Asch growled at the boy, "You take that back! Only I'm allowed to beat up on her! You keep your threats to yourself or you're gonna pay with your teeth!"
The boy just shook his head, rolled his eyes and continued walking, meeting up with another boy with black hair and a scar on the opposite eye, doing their own thing.
Ava put her hand on Asch's back, "It's your first day. Don't be stupid and cause stuff.."
Asch sighed and nodded. He was going to say something before the school bell rang. Thanks to the school, they were freshman friendly and put a map of the school all around the walls. Ava looked at her schedule on her phone and said to Asch, "My class is this way" while she pointed to her left.
Asch pointed in the opposite direction of Ava, "Mines this way.."
Ava smiled and began to walk, "I'll see you during lunch!"
Asch smiled at her, "Yeah whatever Avocado!"
Ava sighed as she turned her back and hurried off to her homeroom class. When she got there, she opened the door and sat down in the first seat she saw open. Once she sat, she looked around, seeing that white haired boy again..
A few minutes in, the teacher introduced himself and began to call roll.
Ava heard a familiar voice and turned. That white haired boy responded to the name Leif, so.. thats his name. He had his feet up on the chair with a lollipop in his mouth, having no trouble taking bites out of it.
Ava put her face back to her own desk before having her name called.
"Oh-! Here!" she called out.
Ava continued to think, maybe making friends this year won't be so difficult after all. She just has to find a domino effect to get herself into a friend group... But what about Asch?

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