Pierce and Noi

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As soon as homeroom was over, Ava grabbed her bag and walked out to find her first period class. To her surprise, she saw a familiar face in the crowd.
Ava went over and took him by the shoulder, the boy turning around.
"Hey, Rhys! Locker neighbor.. um.. can you help me find my first period class?"
Rhys smiled at her and looked at her schedule, "Oh.. you have Mrs.Siren. Her class is on the first floor next to the literature club."
Ava smiled, "Thank you! I'll see if we can hang out during lunch, kay?"
Rhys' face flushed. "Really—? I mean-! That would be nice, thank you.. Avocado?"
"It's Ava."
"Ah. It's just what I heard your friend call you."
"Ignore him, he's a big dummy face."
Ava sighed, "I'll see you then!" as she ran off down the hall.
Rhys nodded as he watched her run off, a little happy she came to him first.

Once Ava got to her classroom, it was her student support class so.. it was practically a free period since it's the first day of school. Ava sat down in her assigned seat and looked around once again, seeing a bunch of people, nothing special. In front of her, there was a boy near her height with orange pinkish hair, he was as social as ever. But the catch is, he was talking to a boy with seemingly no interest in talking. They were polar opposites yet seemed to enjoy each other's company.
"You said awhile ago that you liked toaster strudels, soooo.. for our first day here, we might as well share some while chatting right?" He said as he dug into a bag and brought out a little box of toaster strudels.
"Yes." said the bigger boy, he took it as the smaller boy handed it to him.
They both were snacking as one was chatting up a storm while the other was being a pleasant listener.
Ava kept her ears open for the teacher to call roll, but she didn't. She introduced herself but said to talk to your classmates to get to know each other.
the two boys continued to chat as Ava was suffering in loneliness.
Ava was fed up with being alone, so she leaned forward and tapped the smaller boy's shoulder.
"Hi! I'm Ava, nice to meet you!" she said
The boys looked at her, the orange haired one turning and being all sparkle eyes, "Hi! I'm Noi, nice to meet you!" he said with a big smile.
The bigger boy said nothing. He just observed.
Ava and Noi began to talk about what classes they're in and their schedules.
Ava looked at the bigger boy, she's yet to know his name but kept looking at him.
Noi caught on instantly, "Oh! Thats Pierce. He's quiet but he's one of the best players on the basketball team! He's the captains right hand man, isn't that amazing?"
Pierce looked to the side with a tint of pink on his cheeks, a little embarrassed Noi introduced them for him.
Ava looked at him, "With that long hair?"
Pierce just stayed quiet, but Noi put his arms on the back of his chair as he sat backwards. "Yup! He puts it in a bun. I like to stick pencils in it so he looks like an old teacher lady!"
"Have you tried braiding it?"
Noi put his hand up to his face, "Mmm.. I don't know how to braid hair.."
Ava smiled a bit, "I do! When's your class for it, Pierce?"
Pierce answered, "Next period."
Ava was a little taken back by how deep his voice is, "Oh.. Well I can braid your hair before class ends."
Pierce just gave a soft smile while Noi answered practically for him, "He'd appreciate that! With how long his hair is, he barely knows how to style it.."
Pierce looked over at Noi and got embarrassed, pinching his cheek.
Noi giggled as he pushed Pierce's hand away, picking on each other in a playful tone.
Ava admired their little relationship, putting her head in her palm, "Soo..! How do you two know each other?"
Noi pushed Pierce's hand back to his chest, then answering Ava, "Oh! We've been friends since our freshman year."
"Wait.. what grades are you in?"
Noi places his hands on Ava's desk, "This always surprises people, but I'm a junior and Pierce over here is a sophomore. He was my freshman child last year!"
Pierce placed his hand on Noi's ear and tugged on it, "I'm not your child."
Noi looked back at him and squished Pierce's cheeks, "Yes you are! You're just a baaaby! You got sad the last time I couldn't show up to your basketball game."
Pierce was straight faced as ever but he was clearly embarrassed. "No."
Ava just smiled at the two, she quickly befriended Noi with Pierce on the side. When the period ended, Noi hugged Ava and Pierce gave a simple nod of the head before following Noi.
Ava was already satisfied with having just them as her friends.. but when they parted ways, she went to her second period class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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