Chapter 32

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《Sarafina's POV》

I cut the bike engine and got out of it before making my way to the front door and pushed it open. I froze and my eyes slightly widened in surprise "Oh, You guys are still up," I spoke nervously as I glanced at each one of my brothers faces.

"What were you thinking!?" Antonio's booming voice screamed.

Someone's mad.

And why wouldn't he? You basically ran away from them and-

Okay, fine I get it. What I did wasn't right.

"I'm sorry," I apologized after a moment as I looked into Antonio's angry eyes that soon turned to a surprised one "I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry I'm causing all of you trouble but you have to understand that I can take care of myself"

"Sarafina, I know you can take care of yourself, but we can't help but worry" Antonio spoke in a soft yet firm tone "And I know the decision our father made years ago wasn't the right one but our intentions were to keep you safe and far away from this world we live in," He says as his eyes closed for a brief second

"But we love you Sarafina, we always will and I promised to protect you till the day I die, Cara sorella (Dear sister)" Tears welled up in my eyes without realizing and I quickly blinked them away.

Without thinking I walked up to Antonio and wrapped my arms around him "I love you too, Fratello (Brother)" I said softly, I felt him stroke my hair gently and place a kiss on top of my head.

"You know you have other brothers, too" I heard a voice say, I looked up and chuckled when I saw the pouty look I was receiving from Vito. I went and hugged him as he smiled down at me before making my way to my other brothers.

"You know, I would normally tell you to never do that again but we know that's not going to happen" Lorenzo says, glaring at me playfully "You know me too well" I had a little smirk on my face.

I walked to Leonard's direction and before I could utter a word out, He pressed his finger to my forehead and gently pushed it "Hey!" I swat his hand away while glaring at him and I saw him raise a brow "I'm still mad at you" He says and I purse my lips together

"I'm sorry, Can you please forgive me?" I ask looking up at him as a small smile formed in his face

"Of course," I roll my eyes playfully before giving him a hug.

"Let me guess, you're mad too" I say as I made my way to Gavino

"Nah, I could never be mad at you, Sorella" He speaks, giving me a hug and kissing the side of my head as I smiled at him.

"So, Does anyone want to watch a movie?" Lorenzo asked, grinning widely.

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A heavy knock filled the silence in my room, I groaned in annoyance before pulling the duvet over my head.

"Go away!" I yelled as the knock got louder each passing minute. I sighed peacefully as it stopped and I slowly drifted back to sleep.

"SARAFINA! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP," A booming voice yelled and I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Can't a person have one morning in peace?" I muttered to myself "SARAFINA! YOU NEED TO--"

"I'M AWAKE, YOU IDIOT" I yelled back in annoyance, I checked the time and it was quarter to 7.

I groggily get up and make my way to the bathroom while muttering curses. After I got ready I made my way downstairs and to the dining where all my brothers are.

Sarafina De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now