Chapter 14

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Sarafina's P.O.V-

I have have my hand pressed against my cheeks while the math's teacher kept talking shit I already knew. Why do I even bother coming to school?

 "Miss De Luca Are you even listening?" The teacher suddenly, spoke it made my hand fall down and my face hit the table.

 I groaned 

"Miss De Luca?" She says

 "What" I snapped 

she looked taken back 

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?" She spoke

 I stared at her 

"No" I reply

 I saw people trying to hold in their laughter. Her face turned red like. Like a tomato which is red.

Tomato's are red you dumb bitch.

What no! I'm a hundred percent sure some tomatoe-

"Miss De Luca" The teacher yelled. 

"Jesus" I spoke under my breath blocking my ear with my hand

 "You answer the question on the board or go to the principals office" She says glaring at me I turned to look at the board then back at the teacher I stood up walked infront to the board the teacher had the marker in her hand she stuck it out to give it to me.

 I would rather spend my time in the principals office then here. Who am I kidding? 

I went straight out the door not bothering to answer but not forgetting to give the special finger. Maybe I can go back to the hide out? Or go steal someone's dog? Or-

It's literally the second period you just walked out off.


No not at all. I wonder what Antonio is doing right now?

I groaned internally. 

So instead of going out the building I went to the library to study. In the way to the library I decided why not stop and take a break and head to the washroom then continue my way to the library.

 I shrugged and started heading the opposite direction of the library I mean the library can wait, I believe using the washroom is way important. 


       I'm walking to my fourth period now. I was already exhausted walking there. I finally reached the door to the chemistry class and I just want to turn around and never look back again but of course Antonio would find out the minute I walk out of school cause they planted and tracking device on my phone secretly.

 They don't know that I know.


Sarafina De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now