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"Hands up," Natasha said, appearing from the door behind her.

Cassandra took half a step closer to the woman, adjusting her fingers around the pencil. Pencils were much lighter than knives, but this could probably stick someone in the eye if she threw it right. But she wasn't going to do that until she was sure if this woman was a threat or not.

"Who are you?"
"My name is Carol Danvers," she said, glancing behind Cassandra to look at Natasha.

That name sounded familiar. Cassandra's brain searched through her memory while she focused back on Carol. She heard Natasha take a step down into the room, and she stood beside Cassandra.

"Where's Fury?" Carol asked again.

Something sparked in the corner of her eye, and she looked down at Carol's fist. Light orange energy floated around her fists. She heard Natasha's breath pause for a moment, which means she wasn't having a post-battle hallucination -which had definitely happened before- and she wasn't the only one who could see it.

"We don't know where he is." Natasha said.
"We don't know where most of the world is right now either," Cassandra added.
"Fury sent me here with the pager that you have locked up in that box over there, but I don't see him. Where is he?"
"We don't know," Natasha said.

Cassandra tuned out most of the conversation after that, watching every step, every shift of her weight that Carol made. Something seemed so familiar about her, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She stared at Carol, she knew who this woman was, but she just couldn't remember.

"Does she do that all the time?" Carol asked, snapping Cassandra out of her daze.
"Yeah her and her brother both have a staring problem. We think it's an ex-Hydra assassin thing."
"Hydra? Are they Kree?"
"I don't know what 'Kree' are, but Hydra is probably much worse," she said.

Cassandra heard steps running down the hall, and Steve appeared in the doorway. Carol looked at Steve, and before he could speak, Carol blasted Steve back into the hallway.

"Would you like to sit down and talk about this more?" Cassandra asked, stretching an arm over Natasha's chest to keep her from running at Carol.


Cassandra, Natasha, and Steve watched Carol blast up into the atmosphere. They'd, well mainly Cassandra, had talked to Carol more, and explained to her the problem their world was having. Carol was going back up to check the other planets, and make sure it was just and Earth problem.

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