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Cassandra stared at the ceiling, listening to Natasha breathe in, and out next to her. The light coming from the windows was still bright, even though it was around two in the morning, which was weird. She heard noise in the other room, like raccoons going through trash. But she'd gotten rid of the raccoons long ago.

Carefully slipping out of the covers and setting her feet down on the cold wooden floor, she quietly opened the door and walked into the kitchen. Steve was shoving everything he could into a backpack. She went up to him, and tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump.

"What are you doing?"
"Someone found out we're here."
"Remember you stole that car," Steve said. Cassandra nodded. "They tracked it to here, and the person you stole it from said a 'woman matching your description' stole it."
"So we need to get out."
"Didn't you think it was a good idea to wake everybody up?"

Steve didn't answer, making her sigh. After a moment, she spoke again.

"Fine, I'll go wake up Nat."

She dragged her feet along the way back to her and Natasha's room. Opening the door quietly, she walked over to Natasha.

"Nat, Nat, hey wake up," she whispered softly.
"No," Natasha tiredly mumbled, keeping her eyes shut.
"Ok then."

Cassandra tip-toed to her side of the bed, and wrapped her hands into the covers. She stepped back, counting to three in her head. On three she yanked the blankets off Natasha, off the bed, and on the floor.

"Wake up."

Natasha said a number of curses under her breath, before swinging her legs over the bed and standing up to stretch. She walked to the curtains, pulling them open and gasping.

"What?" Cassandra asked.
"It's snowing."

Cassandra looked out the window and saw the street blanketed with snow. She smiled slightly, before telling Natasha why she'd been woken up so early.

"We have to get out of here."
"Where are we gonna go?" Natasha asked, yawning.
"Like I know. Help me pack."


Cassandra landed on the snow-covered ground behind the building, holding her arms out so she could catch the bag that Natasha tossed down to her. Natasha followed after the bag, leaping out for the window and landing gracefully on the ground. She heard Sam land behind them, and swiftly handed him their bigger bags.

Steve landed with a quiet thud next to Cassandra. Sam checked behind him to make sure they were all there, before flying away. She slung her backpack around her shoulder, chasing after him. Natasha and Steve followed Sam through the small city. Cassandra ducked behind an alley as a cop car drove by. She was breathing quietly, remaining as still as possible when the car went by. She looked back, to Steve and Natasha, who were stuck on the other side of the street.

"Hey!" She whispered harshly.

Natasha looked at her, then nodded her head towards the cars. Cassandra's eyes lit up, before she pulled a gun from her jacket- which, let it be known that the jacket did nothing for the cold- took the mag out, and fired a blank into the air. The sirens on the cop car started flashing red and blue as the sirens wailed, and the car drove towards the noise. Natasha and Steve sprinted towards her, following Sam.

Cassandra screamed, selling the story. As the car came closer, Cassandra climbed up the fire escape of one building, and jumped from roof to roof. By the time the cop got out of the car to see what had happened, she was gone.


Cassandra found the rest of her team in the in the woods outside the city. Natasha released a breath, which floated into the freezing air. She grabbed Cassandra tightly in a hug, who patted the woman on the back, taking in the warm body heat.

Cassandra pulled her shoe off her foot, shaking out the frigid snow. She shook her head, in a failed effort to shake the snow off. Sam and Steve tied a tarp they'd had somewhere to a few tree branches, making a cover for them. Cassandra tossed a lighter to Natasha, pulling a few papers and sticks from her pockets, and helped start a fire.

"I hate the cold," Natasha grumbled, shivering as Cassandra sat down.
"Me too sister," Sam agreed

The sky was still bright, less bright then when they had a real house to live in, but brighter than normal. The snowflakes had turned to snowclumps, and were big enough to be caught in your mouth. The snow had fallen over their footprints, covering them up.

The fire was barely beginning to burn, after ten or so minutes of them all taking turns trying. Cassandra, Natasha, Sam, and Steve all huddled close to eachother, each of them shivering in the cold. Her clothes started to get wet, and and her ears were so cold she felt like they were burning.

But, sitting in the miserable cold thinking you were going to die was something she spent years practicing. As much as she didn't want to have anymore relation to the people in the Red Room, the people who'd taken her away from her home and hurt her, she needed to tap into those skills now before she died. So she pressed her eyes closed tightly, thinking of hot things, fire, sun, anything. She huddled closer to Natasha, who realized what she was doing, and reached an arm around Cassandra's waist, pulling her closer.

"Все в порядке, сестра, ты у меня, все в порядке," Natasha whispered softly.

It's ok Sister, I've got you, it's ok.

merry christmas my loves!!
if you don't celebrate christmas, then happy friday to you!!
i love all of you, so much, you mean the absolute world to me, and i think you are amazing.

ok, that's your christmas/friday present, what an ending. i wanted cass and nat to have that kind of a relationship, they've been through so much together, that i suppose they are kind of sisters now. and like, they're gonna be close, since they're both traumatized ex-russian spies, but ya know.

ok, i love you to vormir and back my darlings❤❤-

ok, i love you to vormir and back my darlings❤❤-

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