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The quinjet flew over the city, which as you can imagine, was a total mess. Sides of buildings were destroyed, cars were flipped on their sides, and firetrucks and police cars pretty much everywhere. You could even see people running around frantically, if you squinted hard enough.

Natasha set a hand on her shoulder, and sighed. Now that they'd both confessed their love for eachother, where would they go next? Obviously right now was not the time or place to talk about that, but still. The only significant others that Cassandra had ever had were people she was only pretending to date. And those people usually ended up dead afterwards. She had no idea where to go from here.

"We'll be there in about five and a half hours, so make yourself comfortable," Cassandra said.
"You wanna switch off?" Natasha asked.
"Come on Cass, don't make this like very other time we've gone to his house. Please?"
"No, I'm fine."
"Well if you won't let me fly, then will you let Steve?"
"Natasha, the one time Steve flew a plane he crashed it and was frozen for," Cassandra paused. "Steve! How long were you asleep for?"
"Seventy years or so!" Steve shouted back.

Cassandra raised a brow and Natasha and then looked back out the windshield. Natasha sat down, silently gazing at the burning buildings below. Cassandra knew the answer to the question ringing around her head, but she hoped it wasn't true. Laura, Lila, Max, and Nate were all on the list of the dissapeared, but Clint wasn't. That didn't mean he wouldn't show up, that didn't mean he was safe. But she still had to see, for the sake of her own personal wellbeing, which wasn't at its best at the moment.

"He's gonna be there," Natasha said, like she could read Cass' mind.
"He better be," she said quietly.

Natasha rubbed her back, and tucked her hair behind her ear. Cassandra leaned her head closer to Natasha's hand.

"I love you," Cassandra whsipered.
"I love you too."


The quinjet landed in the field next to what seemed to be a normal house. As soon as the quinjet touched the ground, the three ran out of the quinjet and to the front door of the house.

The moment Natasha's fist touched the door to knock, the doir opened slowly. The inside of the house was dark, and she could see little shapes of toys, and the shadow of a sofa. She reached into her pocket, slipping the cover off the little knife she had, and she heard Natasha reach for the gun in her jacket.

"Clint?" Steve asked the darkness.
"Clint!" Natasha shouted.

Cassandra felt her heart sink, but she found her way to the stairs, and ran up.


She checked in all of the bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, cabinets, even under beds. But nobody was there. Cassandra swallowed the tears in her throat, and went back down the stairs.

"Is he there?" Natasha asked.

Cassandra clenched her jaw, tears stinging her eyes as she tried to keep them from falling. She walked out the front door, not making it far before she dropped to her knees, breaking down in tears. Staring blankly at the grass while tears flooded her eyes and dropped to the ground.

Cassandra heard the screen door slam, and footsteps that were too light to be Steve's run up behind her. Natasha hugged her from behind, her whole body shaking with sobs. Cassandra turned herself around so she was facing Natasha, pulling her closer and hugging her tight.

And there it was again. The overwhelming grief and emptiness that she'd felt anytime she thought about Wanda, or James, or Sam. She wanted to scream, throw up, cry, and punch something at the same time, but she also wanted to curl up in the grass and lay there forever.

Cassandra held Natasha while she sobbed, having calmed down enough so that only a few tears fell down her face. Cassandra noticed Steve standing on the porch, with a hand over his mouth, tears slipping quickly down his face.


On the ride back to the Compound, Cassandra sat with Natasha, letting Steve fly. Natasha laid in Cassandra's lap, staring at the seats across from her. Cassandra stroked her hair, listening to the drumming of the engine on the other side of the wall she was sitting against.

She'd come to the conclusion, during the long flight back to the only place she felt at home, that from now on, she would bury all her feelings, and let Natasha be sad, and miserable, and hurt, and everything that Cassandra had felt since she was seven. Because she had been so concerned with her self, that she hadn't noticed how bad Natasha was doing. She wanted Natasha to be happy, and healthy, and burying her feelings to take care of some hopeless case like Cassandra, wasn't helping that.

"Тебе больше не нужно обо мне беспокоиться, Наташа. Моя очередь позаботиться о тебе," she whispered, planting a small kiss on Natasha's head.

wow sorry this took so long.
umm ok, so we have an epilogue after this, and then we'll move along to the next book. i'm sorry that this book is so short, but infinity war barely has steve, nat, bucky, sam, wanda, anyone that i would've stuck cass with, so ya know.

i love you more than coulson loves lola, have a fantastic rest of your day

i love you more than coulson loves lola, have a fantastic rest of your day❤

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