Chapter 10: New Beginings

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Lilly's POV

It is the day of the competition and Callen and Anna might come watch if their boss said it was ok. I really hope that they come because I really like them and they could potentially be my adoptive family if they want me. I have two opportunities to impress them with my dancing, I have a solo and a group number so I have to win something.

Anna's POV

Callen and I are getting ready to leave for the dance competition and we're so excited. We both talked about it and agreed that Lilly would be the right fit for us, so we called Stacey to let her know that we wanted to adopt Lilly and she said that we can come to the dressing room to see her before the competition and help get her ready to compete.

Callen: I'm ready to go if you are. Stacey said to be there around 10:00.

"I'm good to go." I said. 

At the competition

Callen's POV

We arrived at the competition and we met Lilly and Stacey outside. As soon as Lilly saw us she ran to us and gave Anna and I a hug.

Anna: Hi Lilly. Are you ready for the competition?

Lilly: Yes, and I'm so glad that you two came.

"Well, we're excited to be here." I said.

Stacey: Lilly, how about you go in and start getting ready. I'm going to talk to Anna and Callen for a bit.

Lilly: Ok, see you in there.

"I still can't believe that she's soon going to be our daughter".

Anna: Does she know we're going to adopt her?

Stacey: Not yet. I figured you two could tell her after the competition is over.

"Ok, When will we be able to take her home"? I asked excitedly.

Stacey: You can take her home after the competition, I have all of the paperwork right here. You can bring her by later to pick up her things and she's all yours. I brought her a going home outfit but she doesn't know about it yet. I'll just tell her to put it on at the end of the competition.

Callen and Anna: Great!

Before we went in, we filled out all of the paper work. We then went in to help her get ready and see what we have to do weekly with her.

Lilly's POV

In the dressing room:

We are getting ready to preform and I'm so excited. My potential family is outside and I'm really hoping they take me home because it would be a dream come true, besides dancing with Ms. Abby of course.
I soon see the door open and it's Anna and Callen. They came over and gave me a hug and I then
should them how I got ready. Anna also helped me with my makeup and hair. I went to change and I came out in my solo costume.

Abby: Lilly, let's run your dance one last time.

I practiced my dance one last time before I went on stage. It had to be perfect because Callen and Anna are here and I want it to be really good.

Abby: You're good Lilly, let's go.

Callen and Anna: Good Luck Lilly.

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