Diagon Alley

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August 31st 1992

One month. One whole month had passed and I can safely say that it has been the longest month of my entire life. I had spent hours that morning changing outfits and hairstyles, I could hardly contain my excitement. All of the clothes I owned had been emptied from my small cupboard and into a backpack that I had owned for as long as I could remember.

Nobody waited by the front door to say goodbye to me. They were happy to see me go off to some boarding school because no orphanage wanted me now, apparently. Well, good riddance. Maybe I might actually make some friends at this new school. As happy as they were to be rid of me, I was more than willing to leave them all behind.

"Miss Potter." I looked up, my green eyes meeting those familiar black ones. "Do you have your trunk?" He motioned to the empty space beside me. I shook my head, "Got everything I need in here." Patting my backpack, he looked a little saddened by my lack in belongings. "Very well." He spoke simply, before we exited the building without a farewell from anybody, and made our way into London on the train.

Many stares were heaved towards the professor, at his choice of a black cloak in the summer heat. I, however, couldn't have imagined him in anything else. We soon made our way towards a raggedy, old pub called The Leaky Cauldron, which wasn't too far from King's Cross station itself. "First, some breakfast." Snape spoke simply, sending a small smile my way, which I returned, before we made our way inside.

Many people sat by the quiet bar, sipping on ales that could have been more than a few days old from the smell. I tried not to grimace, as we took a seat in the back of the room. But almost everybody's eyes were on us. "I take it many people aren't used to seeing a kid in a pub at 9 in the morning." I presumed, letting out a sarcastic laugh. Severus shook his head, as one of the waitresses made their way over. "Good morning Severus. And who is this young lady?" I held my head low, not wanting to answer as the professor shuffled in his chair a little uncomfortably. "That does not concern you, Imelda. Can we have two breakfasts and two pumpkin juices?" He spoke, almost angrily at her questioning.

Without writing it down, she nodded and left the table with haste. I leaned over to the teacher, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, "Why didn't you tell her my name?" He sighed exasperatedly, "Because the surname Potter is a very famous one in the Wizarding World."

"But, what happened to my mum and dad that made me famous?" I pressed, Snape's eyes growing sad, as he reached out and placed his hand over mine. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, my dear. But...They died." I gasped at his statement, feeling the guilt almost consume me. My eyes stung with tears and I could feel my hand shake in his, "All these years, I tried to stop myself from hating them. And after all this time, they had a perfectly good reason, why they never came for me." My head grew fuzzy, and the professor reached into his pocket and dried the tears falling down my cheeks.

Managing to recompose myself, I wanted to know more, "How did they die?"

The teacher was quite for a moment, as though deliberating whether or not to speak. Finally, his lips parted, "They were murdered, on the night you was born, by the most dangerous, evil wizard to ever live." Trying not to cry again as the words escaped his lips, I took a sip of my pumpkin juice, which had arrived at our table only moments ago. Professor Snape was careful that the Waitress did not hear our conversation. "But you do have family left, Miss Potter. You have an Aunt and an Uncle from your mother's side. But they would not take you in as a baby, because they already take care of...Your brother." My eyes widened in disbelief at his words. Not only did I have family, but I had an older brother. "A brother?" He nodded. "And he attends Hogwarts. His name is Harry Potter."


After allowing me some time to digest my breakfast and the news of my newfound relation, Snape escorted me to the room I would be staying in at The Leaky Cauldron before my first day at school, allowing me to leave my backpack inside. We then made our way to the back of the pub, where sat some dustbins and an old, brick wall. Trying to hide my disappointment, I watched as he took his wand from his cloak and tapped three, different bricks in the wall. Almost momentarily, it began to shake, and the bricks began to disperse, revealing a secret world beyond.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley, Miss Potter." Snape smirked, escorting me into the jam-packed, magical village filled with magical shops and emporiums. I gawked, wide-eyed at the town, trying my hardest not to explode with excitement. "Do you have your list of everything that you need?" I nodded, taking my letter and the list out of my pocket.

The first thing I needed; 3 sets of school robes. "We will need to go to Madam Malkin's for those." Professor Snape stated, leading the way. The fitting did not take very long, after the professor informed me that my mother and father left Harry and I money in their will. They loved us, there was no doubt about that. I just wish I could have known them both. I wonder if they would have been proud of me.

We then made our way to Flourish and Blotts' Book shop, grabbing the books quickly before an extremely important Book Signing by a 'Gilderoy Lockhart' was to take place. "So, Professor, what is it that you teach at Hogwarts?" I questioned as we made our way through the village. He remained focused on the path ahead, and the town had grown quiet as people flocked towards the bookstore for the signing. "I teach potions, Miss Potter. Hopefully, it is a class you will prosper in." I nodded in agreement, as we appeared outside a shop that read 'Ollivanders'. "This is where you will get your wand. Shall we go inside?" He raised an eyebrow, causing me to nod and jump and clap excitedly, "Yes please!"

He chuckled, opening the door for me to step inside...

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