Buckbeak's Defence

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"That bloody cat of yours killed Scabbers!" Ron cried out the following day, as we made our way through the school courtyard. Hermione scoffed, "It wasn't Crookshanks! Besides, you should learn to take better care of your pets!" The girl remarked with wit. I chuckled, joining their side from the pillar I had been leaning up against, watching their conversation unfold like a reality television show.

"You're not still going on about that stupid rat, Ron?" My sarcasm amused everyone in the group, besides the red-headed boy. He grew infuriated, "Well, if it wasn't Hermione's, maybe it was yours? Ash or Pearl...Whatever it's name is!" Ron spat.

"Pearl." I corrected, "And it wasn't her, either. He was getting old, anyway. Besides, we have far more important things to worry about." I hinted towards the day's previous turn of events, fixing my jumper as I followed them and Harry down the steps surrounding the school. "Oh, yeah of course. Sorry." Ron apologised, as we commenced our journey down to Hagrid's hut.

When we arrived, the half-giant offered us tea. I insisted I brewed it for everyone, knowing Hagrid's tea had been distasteful, in the past. The conversation soon turned sour, however, at the mention of Hagrid's first lesson of term; the Hippogriff accident. "Lucius Malfoy wants me to go to a hearing on 20th April about what happened to his son in my class." He spoke, extending a letter to the trio of friends. 

Beginning to hand everyone their cups of tea, I managed to take a little glimpse at the letter from the Ministry. It didn't look good. Everyone was oozing with negativity...Even Hagrid, who I had found to be an extremely cheerful person in the past. "I'll talk to Draco and try to get his father to drop the case." I reassured our Professor with a smile. 

Hermione handed him back the letter, nodding in agreement, "Yes, and we'll help you sort out the best defence case the Ministry has ever seen." Our positivity cheered Hagrid up a little, before all of us made our way to The Great Hall for our Sunday roast dinner. I decided to take a seat next to Malfoy, although everyone's thoughts in the hall that day were abnormally overwhelming and this was starting to take a toll on me.

"You alright, Em? You don't look so good." Draco spoke as I sat down. I shook my head, "Another day in paradise!" The false glee evident in my voice and Draco's dissatisfied look of concern caused me to retreat to a more serious tone. "Just a headache, that's all." I tried to muster as much as a playful scoff, his two followers watching us like a hawk from the corner of their eyes. "So, what can I do you for?" Draco smirked, covering his concern under the gaze of his posse. I chewed my lip, my eyes finding his icy blue ones as he chomped down on a chicken leg. "I need a favour." 

"Anything." He spoke without a second's hesitation, dropping the bone onto his plate and diverting his attention fully onto me. "I need you to ask your dad to drop the Buckbeak trial." Draco Malfoy appeared slightly irritated at my request. "Em, I've got a scar on my arm because of a mistake that oath made." The blonde boy spat angrily, pointing his finger in the direction of the teacher's table.

I shook my head, angrily shoving his arm back down onto the table, resulting in a small wince emitting from him. "It wasn't his fault! Please Draco, you must know it was an accident! Don't punish Hagrid or the hippogriff for something that wasn't their fault." I plead.

Draco's look of anger faltered for a moment, averting onto his arm where I hadn't noticed my hand remained. Quickly pulling away, I pushed my hand hard into my lap. Finally, the boy gave in. "Alright. I'll see what I can do."

Shrieking excitedly, I pulled the Slytherin boy into a bone crushing embrace. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I cheered, causing Malfoy to hesitate before wrapping his arms awkwardly around my back. "Don't mention it."

"Oh! Draco, thank you!" Crabbe sung from beside his friend mockingly. Goyle soon joined in making fun of me. "Oh, shut it, you two!" Draco defended, not really helping my case. But I hardly cared; he was going to try and help. And that was all that mattered.

Only I could feel eyes were on us both, as we resumed our meal. My headache had worsened to an extent, most of the students minds succumbing to the worry of Sirius Black being sighted in Hogsmeade. Only Harry wasn't afraid anymore. Harry wanted Black to find him. I, however, couldn't imagine anything worse. But those eyes...I sought out through the crowd, finding my way to the staff table at the forefront of the hall. 

Darker than any night sky I had ever seen, I found them in the crowd. His familiar features, incomparable to any other person I had met. Snape was watching us, as we talked and joked throughout the meal. But his mind, as always, remained closed. My Legilimens skills were not advanced enough to project so far across the room and Snape had been avoiding any further training in the subject, focusing on more practical, defensive spells. I needed some more of his serum to alleviate the migraines, deciding to make my way down to his Potions classroom shortly after dinner...

"Enter." The voice spoke from behind the door, allowing me to step into the room. Following the light, I found the Professor sitting in his desk, twirling his wand absentmindedly through his fingers. "Professor, might I have a word?" I asked, his gaze averting from the wand in his hand and onto me within a moment. 

Straightening in his chair, his eyes narrowed to meet mine through the candlelight, "Take a seat, Miss Potter." He sighed, his raven hair falling across his face as his fingers rested on the desk, interlocking with one another. Severus cleared his throat, "How may I be of assistance?"

I sighed, falling into the chair like a deflated balloon, "My headaches are getting worse. I was wondering if you might have some more potion, please?" I questioned as politely as I could manage as my head began to throb. Resting my face onto my hand, I ran my fingers through my dark, auburn hair. The man was now the one to lean forth in his chair, the concern evident in his eyes. "I don't believe any potion will help you now, my dear. You need to learn how to let the thoughts of your peers in...But you also need to know how to keep them out." Snape looked as deflated as myself in those moments, as I found myself growing in hopelessness.

"Can you teach me, then? How to train my mind?" I asked, desperate for any form of relief. His lips pursed, as he grew to look slightly saddened and sympathetic at my notion. "It is a long and painful process. I want you to start reading into the subject first, prior to our next lesson." He got up from his desk, filtering through a bookshelf before finding what he was looking for, outstretching it towards me.

'The art of Occlumency.'

"This potion should see you through the week." He handed the familiar, silvery liquid to me from under his desk. "But if you are struggling before next Saturday, you need to come to me." Snape spoke sternly. I nodded, "Yes, Sir." I put the vial and book into my backpack, before making my way towards the classroom door.

"How did you learn occlumency, Sir?" I asked, preventing myself from leaving the room. My eyes found his, once more, in the darkness. "Your mind. It's the only one I really struggle to read; like a brick wall or a locked cupboard. Who taught you?" I pressed a little further.

A small but knowing smile made its way across his lips, his voice smooth like velvet as he answered simply and with slight nostalgia, "The Half-Blood Prince."

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