Home for Christmas

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Christmas at Wool's consisted of me being locked away in my room with nothing other than my four walls to interact with. The children downstairs would be laughing and cheering with Christmas spirit as they opened their presents donated from other, more privileged families in the country. As ungrateful as I may have seemed, I did not want anyone's hand-me-downs or used toys. But the orphanage would budget some money for a semi-decent Christmas dinner, at least. 

It was the only time of year that Mrs Jones would allow me to retreat to my room with my dinner. The other times, I was forced to eat with the rest of the children whilst they exchanged snarky remarks and threw clumps of day's old mash and rice pudding at me. Perhaps, that was why I ended up defending myself in the first Potion's class of term; years of practise.

We had an old, plastic tree that stood no more than four feet small beside the fireplace in the living room, which was never lit. And the orphanage was always cold and unwelcoming, even on December 25th. Some of the children would wait up all night for Father Christmas...But he never came. Our delivery of presents was accumulated through many visits and contributions from children with parents that pitied us all, and felt as though they were clearing their conscious by giving to the 'less fortunate...'

But Christmas at Hogwarts Home, was unlike anything I could have ever imagined. Ornaments floated and hung themselves on the grand, 70 feet Christmas tree at the head of The Great Hall. The decorations were made from silvers, rubies and sapphires, adorned with diamonds the size of tennis balls. And at the top of the tree, which infected the room with the very real scent of pine, sat a solid gold star ten times the size of the tree at Wool's. 

Ghosts would prance around the corridors singing Christmas carols, teachers would exchange secret Santa presents with one another and the common rooms were equally decorated to match those of their house colours. But the most magical thing of all, was the snow that fell from the ceiling in The Great Hall and disappeared moments before you could catch a flake on the tip of your tongue. 

Christmas morning, however, was quiet in the Slytherin common room. Most of the students had headed home to their loving, pureblood families. Other's, their parents had taken them from the school entirely, due to the new threat of petrification. Although the Basilisk was only targeting Muggle Born students, that did not mean their child was not in danger.

There were three presents, to my surprise, waiting for me by the fireplace. And as I rubbed my eyes, believing them to be a figment of my imagination, I found them still in their place begging me to open them. The first; a small box. Inside sat a note.

'Aunt Petunia told me mum would want you to have these. She also wants to meet you soon. Love, Harry x.'

I gasped, opening the red, velvet box to find a set of beautiful earrings in the shape of Lilies. Shrieking with excitement, I clipped them onto my ears and reached towards the second present; a silver envelope with a green card inside, embellished with gold trim that could match that of royalty. As I peered inside, I found a small note written in the neatest handwriting I had ever seen. 


I cannot tell you how sorry I am for the rumours I spread about you being the heir of Slytherin. I know now that it cannot truly be you, for you are too kind to be doing these things to the Mud Muggle Borns. I hope I can make it up to you. I truly hope that your Christmas is not too lonely and that you have more people, and family, to spend it with in the years to come.

Happy Christmas


Draco Malfoy.'

I found a small smile had spread its way across my lips, uncontrollably. Perhaps, Draco was a sweet boy after all. Truly, I had already forgiven him. The rumours had disappeared in the month since they had began. Everything was slowly moving back to normal and no more attacks had taken place, thus far.

The third present, was a black bag with ribbon and tissue paper to match. It had reminded me so much of the present I had received on my birthday. I took the paper out carefully, and pulled the soft gift out from inside. It was a stunning, rich, green dress, unlike anything I had ever owned in my life! It was made of the must luxurious, embossed material, with darker green undertones and it was cinched at the waist, giving it a tea dress silhouette. Modest. And warm enough to wear on a snowy, Christmas morning.

I quickly dressed, and accessorized with black tights, my necklace, which I never took off, and my black school shoes. I clipped my hair away from my face, to show off my new earrings, the thought of potentially meeting my Aunt Petunia almost exciting me. Harry said that they were not very nice, but I can only find that out for myself.

I thought it would wise to wear a black coat with my ensemble, in case I decided to go for a stroll around the school grounds. But first....A visit to my favourite Professor in the dungeons. It was practically on the way to The Great Hall, anyway...


Sorry everyone, I know this was a super duper short chapter. But I haven't been feeling too great lately and wanted to give you all an updated chapter. Hopefully I will be feeling better in the morning, and be able to give you guys some more content tomorrow. Sit tight, there is more to come shortly! Thank you all so so much again for your support and lovely, positive comments! They really do keep me going and wanting to keep the story of Emerald Potter going. For now, goodnight all. And sweet dreams. 

"For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean, or glide over the highest cloud."

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