Les Cactus - I

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Hey Loves. How are you? I hope you're all healthy and doing great with your lives. So, before you start reading I'd like to inform you that this is my first English story and English is not my native language so there might be some mistakes. Also the story has mature content and language and some scenes of violence so read at your own risk. Enjoy!

«Make a wish!»

I hope I can get through law school and be able to make ends meet with the college money. Amen.

I put out the candles and everyone applauded. 18 now. A lot of people say this is the best age of your life. I don't know if that applies to me. I'm not sure I can even survive as an adult. Damn, I don't even know how to pay taxes. How am I supposed to just live by my own and have a work and continue my studies?

I don't fucking know. But I guess I'm a grown-up now and I have to learn all this stuff in some magical way.

«HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL» Kelly cheered. Kelly's been my best friend since elementary school. I was always the anti-social type of kid and she's always been quite the opposite. Cool parents, rich, fun and conversational. Blond hair, green eyes, skinny and with incredible taste in clothes. I don't know what she found on me. She hugged me tightly and so did I, while we were moving our feet a bit on the sides.

Once she moved back, Meredith approached me. Another one of my friends. Not as close as Kelly, but still really close. I met her at the beginning of senior year and we've got quite a great time together all these past months. She's got brown hair and eyes, just like me. Although my hair is short and hers goes all the way down her lower back.

«Happy birthday Love» she murmured in my ear and I smiled on her shoulder, while hugging her. «Thank you, baby» I replied. I'm really close with the girls and we use a lot of nicknames. Either way, they're both in a relationship.

Kelly's been with Matt for three years now. He's a 19 year-old boy. Although I don't agree with her being underage while with him, they love each other a lot and are happy all this years that they're together. He's a good guy and matches with Kelly a lot.

On the other hand, Meredith's a lesbian. She's in a serious relationship with Luna, one of our classmates. They were friends since Junior High School and confessed their feelings the first year of High School. I actually idolize them as a couple. They're the type of best friends couple. They are really cute together.

«What's happening in here?» I heard the heavy voice of Mrs Clarke. I looked at her and bit my lip out of my anxiety. She examined the classroom which was decorated with balloons, confetti and a big white sign with red letters that formed a "Happy 18th Birthday". «Miss Reed, is it your birthday?» she addressed me.

«Yes ma'am» I answered quietly. I just know that she won't like that we're wasting time by celebrating a birthday at school, and especially in the classroom she teaches. But trust me, I didn't know about all this either. It was a surprise for me too.

«You better clean all this mess up in the next 3 minutes. I don't have time for this. I'll be back in a bit. If I don't find a clean and organized classroom when I come back, you're all going to be expelled and I'm going to call your parents, miss Reed» she said strictly and turned on her heel. She left and everyone mocked her face reactions behind her back.

I looked around and took a deep breath. I have to clean all this up and do it quickly. I don't feel like capitulating to my parents to keep my phone, after being expelled from school. They're still mad at me for failing three classes.

«Why don't we just leave? We can continue our lil party in like a cafeteria or something» Matt suggested and we all looked at him «We're going to get expelled either way, so why don't we just avoid the whole preaching stage?»

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