Chapter Ten

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I don't know what it is about Jungkook tonight but he's been so clingy. I mean I'm not complaining since I love his cuddles and I fell asleep in his arms in bed together like we are every night. It's nice, warm like always but he's been holding me tight throughout the whole night. Even when I hear him softly call my name in my ear, lightly shaking me from my sleep so I had no option but to wake up.

"Pft, Y/n?" Jungkook

Fluttering my eyes open, I looked up at him still through the dark room that bares no light. Only the shapes on his face and of his head I could just make out through the dark.

"Jungkook? What?"

Wiping my eyes I made out his small smile, gently removing some of my hair from my face but pushing himself up to sit on the bed, removing our covers.

"It's time to get up." Jungkook

I watched him confused, jumping out the bed and landing softly on his feet. He moves fast yet his steps were fast.

"Huh? It's still dark out Jungkook."

Looking over at him I watched him pull out a black thick jacket from our closet and throw it towards me just to pull out another but much more thinner jacket and pushed his arms through it.

"Not for us it's not. Get that on and let's meet the others." Jungkook

"The others? What's going on?"

He didn't respond but picked up his boots and slid them on, tying the laces quickly and then threw mine over to quickly rush to the door with his speed and then carefully opening our solid white door but sliding it open to stick his head out and begin doing hand signals to someone in the hall.

I sat up still confused, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed but grabbed the jacket and put it on like he said. As I zipped up the big thick jacket I caught sight of Jia standing next to my bathroom door staring back at me. She smirked, shaking her head at me, arms crossed and even one foot in front of the other.

"What are you staring at?"

I whispered towards her. Jungkook looked back at me but didn't say anything and turned back to the hall. He must of figured I was speaking to someone else. Jia to be precise.

"You. I'm staring at you." Jia

"I get that but why? Do you know what's going on?"

She only nods but then drops her smile and rushes towards me. In a second she was right up in my face, staring at me intensely. I'm a little taller than her now but not much difference.

"Just do as the boys tell you to Y/n. Even Taehyung. It's for your own good." Jia

I scoffed at her, slipping on the shoes that were already close by my bed that I left there earlier.

"Taehyung? He wants nothing but harm for me Jia."

She shook her head at me and stepped back.

"Not tonight. He's actually a big key in this so just do it, don't question it." Jia

"How do you know?"

"You're getting out of here Y/n. It's best you do." Jia

My jaw dropped and yet Jia faded away before I could ask more because Jungkook rushed over and grabbed my hand urging me towards the door.

"We have to move now." Jungkook

He pulled me out the door and slid the door closed after him. I turned around to see Jimin and Namjoon standing at the bottom of the hallway and Yoongi rushing over to us just to grab my other hand.

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