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saito makoto — or as he preferred to be called, koto — had always been lazy of a sort, coming off as rude and unsociable to others. his younger siblings and closest friends were the only ones he truly opened up to.

it was because of his younger siblings that he dropped out of school young, instead looking for ways to provide for them. his parents were no help, and his grandparents didn't know of the struggles of their grandchildren at the time, so everything was left to him.

aside from his traumatizing youth, koto did his best to just ignore the world around him. he had a few jobs that he did so that he could provide for himself after moving out of his grandparents house, and he was still lazy as hell. it's just that him always working seemed to outweigh his laziness.

his laziness actually caught the attention of a lonely little vampire, one day.


letting out a sigh, koto wipes at his forehead after cleaning the break room of the karaoke place.

he'd been working at this joint for a couple months now, mostly as errand boy and whatnot, but the owner trusted him enough to not cause trouble. he wasn't a spectacular worker or a bad one; he was simply average, as he was with everything in life.

the only thing that wasn't average about him, was the little red owl that he brought with him everywhere. his employers and coworkers would question the adorable little creature when they saw it with him, but he'd just state that she was his emotional-support pet. he didn't go anywhere without the little bird.

koto heads over to one of the karaoke rooms, knowing who was inside and heaving another sigh as he hears yelling from the other side of the door. Sliding open the door, he narrows his eyes lazily at the two boys who cut themselves off from yelling the second they heard the door open.

"what have i told you two? if you're going to hang around here until my shift ends, you can at least not get into a fight," he mutters towards them, glaring in irritation.

the shorter boy with blond hair had been poised to hit the redhead with a pillow that he'd grabbed, and the redhead was ready to tackle him to the couch by his midsection. upon koto walking in, though, they both froze in their movements and were now grumbling as they move away from each other.

"sorry, koto! but it's his fault!"

"how is it my fault, you overgrown tomato?! you're the one that kept complaining!"

"i was complaining because you were complaining about always having to wait!"

"will you two cut it out already?" all three boys face the source of the voice, seeing a young looking girl with bright red hair and crossed arms.

"this always happens. you two need to stop, or i won't allow you to tag along anymore!" she exclaims with a slight glare, pointing at the boys. both lower their heads at her scolding, pouting under her disapproving stare. koto just watches, picking up the trash and beginning to clean up the mess they'd made. his shift would be over in the next thirty minutes, so he figured now was best to start cleaning up the rooms since most of the customers had left for the night.

"hey, koto, where are you going?" the heavy russian accent catches his attention, and he turns to give the blond a deadpan stare.

"my shift is over soon, so i'm doing my job. what else?"

with those words, he walked out to go do so, leaving hoshi to scold the two boys.

sighing once more, he begins going from room to room to clean his job. he came across people on their way out, and even some of his coworkers who were helping out as well.

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