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"there is something else that i believe i should inform you all of."

"what's that, hugh?"

"after some of my subclasses did some research, they found some other things out when they caught one of tsubaki's weaker subclasses."

"what'd they find out?"

"apparently, there is another servamp. the subclass didn't know much, but all of them were given orders to look out for the ninth servamp. we don't know who they are, but they have red hair and the regular red eyes."

the group process this information, not having expected to learn of yet another servamp. was this one allied with tsubkai? did they share the same ideas of revenge on the world?

"are they allied with tsubaki?"

"we don't know. but considering that his subclasses were looking for them, i would say that they are a true neutral party and are in hiding. be careful, and make sure to keep an eye out for them and any other suspicious figures."

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