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koto normally kept a very chill, almost lazy demeanor about himself. others always viewed him as a teenager with little care in the world, not caring to look beyond the exterior he left up for the world to see. and he honestly didn't mind that, if it kept people out of his business and away from the secrets he kept about his life.

but lately, koto was left grappling to retain his regular attitude, what with the aggravating austrian boy cornering him almost every other time he was working at the karaoke bar. he kept asking the same stupid question at least once every time he found the younger boy, but koto would always manage to get away before licht could pry too much into his life.

not all his questions were invasive. koto just avoided answering a lot of them, because licht made him uncomfortable a majority of the time. licht, though, didn't seem to have any proper social skills, effortlessly blunt whenever he talked, not always caring if the questions annoyed koto or were a bit too personal. but, thankfully, the older boy knew when to back off during a conversation, especially after the time he'd asked about koto's parents.

"what are your parents like?" he'd asked once while watching koto clean, eyes observing everything he could about the younger boy. it was impossible for him not to notice the visible cringe koto held back, or the way he stilled for a moment before returning to his work.

"shut up and stay away from me," koto snapped, leaving the room and effectively ditching the austrian teen for a good day or so before licht popped back into his life. unfortunately, it was at one of his other jobs, a diner, and the strange older boy had startled slightly upon koto coming up to take his order. koto had demanded to know if licht had been following him, but licht said he'd come by on pure chance. then, he apologized for the invasive questioning, and they'd gone about their days.

when it got brought up in conversation at dinner one night between the four roommates, hoshi had simply shrugged.

"i think he just wants to get to know you. he seems socially inept, worse than you."

"worse than koto?" damien snorts, shaking his head in playful disbelief. "that's not possible, hoshi. koto is the most socially awkward person i've ever met, and that's coming from me."

koto had ended up whacking the subclass upside the head out of indignation, shaking his head annoyedly while damien whined about his now hurting head and how the brown haired boy hadn't needed to hit him. ryuu snickered at the other boy, and dinner ended with the two subclasses taking their fight to the roof while hoshi supervised and koto cleaned up the table for them.

presently, koto was working at the karaoke bar once again, and he was already somewhat dreading seeing licht again. the feeling had been stifling his mood over the last couple days since they'd met at the diner, and he didn't know how exactly he'd react to licht bothering him, especially after having to take over a shift for someone else at the restaurant he'd worked at earlier in the day. he usually didn't mind taking over shifts, as it meant earning more money, but so many unbearable people had decided to make his life incredibly harder during the extra hours he'd worked.

it had not made koto particularly laid back person to deal with that day.

and if licht kept up his usual constant questioning while he worked, that would probably lead to him getting fired for taking out a customer. with his fists. and koto didn't want that, because the karaoke place paid good, especially with all the students and drunk adults that frequented it.

quitting with his internal monologue, koto passes by his coworker, sagami, on his way to retrieve his water from the break room. sagami smiles timidly at him, then his eyes flit warily to the room that koto always came out of with the most annoyed expression on his face from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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